• Tag Archives Lists
  • How to drive traffic to your website via a numbered list AKA Go Viral! AKA the 6 steps to a fulfilling life

    Is it really viral? Or is it the newest version of a chain letter?


    1. Come up with a concept that can be numbered ( 86 fluffiest kittens, 24 situations that make you reconsider public hangings, 3 most shameful secrets,etc, etc). Particularly resourceful writers/bloggers will note that the more narrow the topic, the more it leaves opportunity to create other numbered lists. Also, narrow lists create an opportunity for subject matter experts to scoff at any (or all) of your topics.

    2. Brainstorm with as many items as you can muster that are worthy (or not) of including to the list. Odd numbers are encouraged! Don’t feel limited to top 10 or top 100, this is ‘Merica, man, you can do what you want to do!

    3. Add them all to the list, include hot links to other articles and pictures that are relevant (or barely relevant, or not at all relevant). Including pictures that were taken by someone else without giving credit is highly encouraged!*



    4. Make at least two to five of the items completely bogus, to drive commentary. “Surely you’re not including THAT kitten are you? He’s not CUTE!”

    5. Leave comments section open and prominently include links to share on social media.

    6. Post on your blog or news aggregator, and bask in all the page hits.

    Congratulations! You’ve gone viral with next to ZERO effort!

    * Sarcasm