“All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection. So I rate us on the basis of our splendid failure to do t he impossible.” William Faulkner

Now that my own personal/professional crisis has passed (with less misspellings), I can continue my blogging experience.

My dad once theorized that clutter (or accumulation of clutter) is the sign of a frustrated perfectionist. These days I’m tending to agree.

The theory essentially says that the person who clutters essentially never gets started in cleaning or organizing because they realize there’s no hope of perfection (aka a completely 100% clean or organized environment) so they never begin. The clutter builds and gets worse.

Motivation is a mysterious mistress.

My time management is pretty good on the short term. Sometimes it’s good in the medium term. I suck, however, when it comes to the really REALLY long term. I can’t remember crap. For example, for me, most of the 80’s is a wash. I can’t remember a tremendous amount of it. I always attributed that to having moved away to New Zealand in the middle of it and then back. But now I find that the 90’s are sectioned off into "before daughter/after daughter". Remembering any specifics is really hard. Now that it’s 2011, boy oh boy it’s even worse. I think the time period is sectioned off into "before house purchase/after house purchase". It usually takes a good long look at my resume to figure out what I was up to during any point in the last two decades.

This also falls into my struggle with organization. I find that when I make a list, I tend to do better than when I randomly tell myself, "I’ll do THIS and THIS and THIS". But, if my list gets too long, I check off about 10 things off then give up. Well, giving up is too simple of a way to describe it. Occasionally glancing at the list, wishing there was motivation to get moving on it? That’s pretty close.

There’s still things on my list that need to get done. Perhaps I relish the glow of having checked off eight things in one day….then need to remotivate myself. Unfortunately, "update blog" doesn’t count as something to do on my list.