Astro Ink IX ~ Spreading your disease - The Thousand Yard Stare
Hi and welcome to Astro Ink #9. This month, we’re going to continue talking about getting out there and trying to make things happen for your band as best you can. Let’s start by talking about a subject we touched on in the “Getting Down To Biz” section of the last column-merchandising. Assuming you’ve reached the stage where your band is regularly playing shows and has finally started to make some money (yeah, right-$107) and you’ve been able to set-up some kind of band fund, merchandising is a great way of making your money grow. First of all, if you’ve recorded and packaged your demo like we’ve already discussed, you can sell it at your gigs. Second, don’t forget that people love T-shirts, for a variety of reasons: they’re fun, they’re cool-looking (hopefully), and as your band develops into a “thing,” your shirt becomes symbolic of a whole lifestyle. Next time you go out, try counting the number of times you see the Nine Inch Nails logo on shirts, bumper stickers, etc., and you’ll see what I mean. Badges are good, although not as popular as they were in the Seventies and Eighties. Stickers are very good-they cost a lot […]
The Thousand Yard Stare