Astro Ink V ~ The true purpose of a demo - The Thousand Yard Stare
Since I’m in a signed band people always ask me how a group gets a record deal. Here’s the secret: there is no secret. There’s only this: 1) form a band, 2) write some good songs, 3) rehearse ’em (a lot), 4) make a demo, 5) go on tour. From my experience, the only way a major label is going to notice your band is if people come and see you play. Let me give you another piece of advice, too-don’t bother wasting time and money submitting your tapes to record labels. A lot of songwriters just don’t seem to understand that record company people hardly ever listen to tapes. They’re usually very busy working with the acts they’ve already signed. The only folks who listen to tapes are people who work in the A&R (Artist and Repertoire) department (this is the department that signs and works directly with bands), and even they are usually too busy to do this because they go out every night of the week to see groups play live. So, if your aim is to get signed, there’s really nothing else to do besides practicing, playing and working on your live performance. Also, watch out […]
The Thousand Yard Stare