Author Archives: davcorn1921
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- Mom and dad left me all weekend. It was cool hanging with @miss.malicious but I'm glad they are home. #revthecollie
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- An ocean view and a bottle of rum. @bourbonandbordeaux invades Corpus Christi.
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- Unexpected gift card at work = $20 bottle of Luxardo Cherries. #treatyoself #cocktails #maraschinocherries #luxardo
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- In honor of our upcoming One Year Anniversary show @ninesbar next Thursday we had this killer poster painted by @the_boozy_doodler. Presale tickets available on prekindle, see you there!
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- Texas Theater. Kind of mind blowing. This is where I met @jerry_fedora in 2009 at Dallas Burlesque Festival and we began shortly after (officially after a Ruby Revue show to be exact). Haven't been back since, it's a weird revisit. #mammaries #andmemoriestoo
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- Detail on the witco Tiki fountain my buddy just carved for us…. #witcofunandprofitablechainsawcarving #witco #badass #tiki #tikifountain #witcoinspired
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- Totally forgot I had this one It's got a weird "butter" taste to it, like I'm drinking alcoholic melted butter. Strange, but still good.
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- Shark fin picks. Why did I ever buy these? #useless
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- Cashier: What are you going to do with that? Is that a sipper? Mix with Coke?Me: Tiki DrinksCashier: Is it a special occasion? A theme party?Me: It's kind of like an everyday thing…. #tikidrinkeveryday #lemonhart151 #lofi
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