“He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words.” Elbert Hubbard

This was possibly the most fun I’ve had recently (barring the burlesque shows) –  I started cranking on this at midnight.

The levels compressed and the vocals came out a lot quieter than I expected, but I’ll redo it all. It’s rough, but you get the idea. It’s all pretty rough really, but it was fun.  I had to use my octave pedal to turn my guitar into a bass. *Okay, Yes, I need recut a lot of it. I didn’t set the levels right when I recorded them and I can’t fix all of it in “post”*

All in all though, I’m REALLY happy with what I accomplished in 3 hours.


She’s got a switchblade knife

You’re runnin’ for your life

Don’t let her catch you ’cause she’ll get her way

Yes I’m tellin’ you

It’s what she’s gonna do

You’re gonna wish you had run faster too

Awww – here she comes.


I see she’s got you in her trance

She’s gonna watch you monkey-dance

Look out – she’s gonna take care of you.

This is a true story – names have been changed to protect the innocent.

2 Responses to “He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words.” Elbert Hubbard

  1. Awesome. That totally had me shaking my girl junk 😉