International Tattoo Art Magazine: White Zombie - The Thousand Yard Stare
In another, “back before Internet times” kind of deal, in my White Zombie fandom (mid-90’s maybe? I did see their show in Houston Dec 2, 1993), I found an issue of International Tattoo Art Magazine that did a feature on White Zombie. *ITA is still seriously a great tattoo mag.* This was actually one of two really good spreads on their ink that I found – and I must say, that influenced me fairly early as to the coolness of half/quarter sleeves. (This is well before everyone was doing it.) This magazine actually gave me a lot to talk about with tattoo artists since I was able to name drop Guy Aitchison when I talked about artists I liked. Coop, Dave Waugh, and The Pizz were others – although my current tattoo was based off a Vince Ray piece. I did meet a girl who had some biomechanical work done by Guy, and the trash/lowbrow direction Guy was in when he did the White Zombie crew obviously had gone in a different direction by the time I was hard driving ready for tattoos – or cool ones anyway. I think by that time I’d already had my first two (flash) […]
The Thousand Yard Stare