“I’ve always loved movies about con men. I think con men are as American as apple pie.” Bill Paxton


I went to class tonight and nobody recognized me. Seriously. Apparently I don’t exist without the bizarrely colored hair.

People kept asking me, “Are you new in this class?”. Every time one would snap and say, “Oh – what happened to your hair?”. I gave out six or seven different answers. One girl was keeping track – all were very impressed.


1. “I’m on the run from the law, don’t tell them I’m here”
2. “I donated my hair to a Malaysian girl who needed blue hair more than I did”
3. “I’m on a work release program but don’t worry, they determined that I was more of a threat to myself than anyone else”
4. “My friends and I were betting how many of us could fit into a Volkswagon bug, I was last in and got my hair caught in the door – had to cut it all off”
5. “I woke up this morning, and my cat was sitting on my chest, breathing onto my face. My hair was gone – I still haven’t found it”
6. “I work at Discount Tire, and my hair got caught in a lug-nut and off it went!”
7. “I’m actually his twin brother”.

Actually the real reason was: I have probate court tomorrow, and I don’t want to get into any problems with the judge – while it’s a minor point, I don’t want to press my luck. I couldn’t get all the blue out and it looked bad. My hair was absolutely fried. Time to start over!