#revthecollie got a new bed…….#bosleytheshihtzu hijacked it.
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I got a new headphone amp so that I can start practicing scales (again) without harassing @honeycocoa – when I mute all the strings and strum a Chula-chuka Bo Diddley rhythm it sounds like Pac Man eating pellets. Bonus?
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I totally forgot to mention this on Instagram but I hung up my headphones on the #RockabillyRevue on KNON 89.3fm – it just became time for me to move on and do other things. It was a fantastic 5+ years. I ended up getting to do something that I originally wanted to do for a living. Thank you to the #KNON family, and to @cdp893 for bringing me on board. @drapedaddy is gonna hang ten and stick around and @_jaysonw will be rocking it so y'all keep tuning in Tuesdays 8-10pm in DFW or online at knon.org #terrestrialradio #liveradio #rockabilly #radio #DJ
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Rockstar pose by @jasonbonesjones – @sweetcrooner holding down rhythm at @noshandbottle #localmusic #rockon #rockabilly