Auguat 23rd, put it on your calendar and tell your friends. Next Vintage Cocktail Hour!
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Getting ready for air time – if ya wanna check out what I play when I'm not doing #rockabillyrevue or @bourbonandbordeaux Vintage Cocktail Hour, tune in to 89.3 FM tonight when I do the Who Cares show with @austinwsauce #893fm #radio #whocares
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Holy shit! My kid is talented! (Not that I was surprised, but honestly have not seen rope work before, hella impressed!!!)
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Hit the dial, it's gonna be a rockin' show! Devilish Dave and @thesuburbansavage are gonna make it happen! 8pm CST on 89.3 FM or streaming/archived at #ray-dee-ohh #rockabillyrevue #rockabillymusic #pompadours #knon893 #hepcats #nojive
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Was looking for something else, found this relic. If you only knew #MattGroening as the creator of #TheSimpsons you need to check out his series "Life in Hell". I wore a "School is Hell" shirt to school and had to turn it inside out. Circa 1990. Volume 1 Number 2 #binky #bongo #Sheba #akbar #Jeff #lifeinhelltimes