Interview with the one and only – Rick Miller at TapeOp
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More amp stuff. This is me having a beer and getting curious about the "bright cap" on the vibrato volume knob pot. Too much work to don anything else for now, all those orange caps are aftermarket. #heavilymodded #fenderdeluxereverb #deluxereverb #holdmybeer
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I'm at @texastheatre for the @knon893 film fest! Come see a film! And me! And the Texas Theatre! It's one of the first places I ever saw a burlesque show!
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I better see ya there!#Repost @thetikitorches• • • • •The weekend’s 1/2 way here! So put on your thinkin' fez and be one of the lucky 3 contestants in a round of “Tiki Torch Trivia!” We always think a lot clearer with a cocktail in hand! Prizes & fun this Saturday! Devilish Dave spinning tracks at 7pm, band at 8. Don’t forget, the bar serves “The Tiki Torch” drink from the Mai Tai Manifesto recipe book! Be there! 506 E. Division St. Arlington @4kahunas #tikibar #tikilife #cocktails #rum #arlingtontx #tiki #texastikiphiles #hawaiian #alohashirt #trivia #thetikitorchesband#Repost @thetikitorches• • • • •The weekend’s 1/2 way here! So put on your thinkin' fez and be one of the lucky 3 contestants in a round of “Tiki Torch Trivia!” We always think a lot clearer with a cocktail in hand! Prizes & fun this Saturday! Devilish Dave spinning tracks at 7pm, band at 8. Don’t forget, the bar serves “The Tiki Torch” drink from the Mai Tai Manifesto recipe book! Be there! 506 E. Division St. Arlington @4kahunas #tikibar #tikilife #cocktails #rum #arlingtontx #tiki #texastikiphiles #hawaiian #alohashirt #trivia #thetikitorchesband
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All the cool dudes and ladies are going to be listening to Rockabilly Revue on KNON 89.3 FM or online at tonight beginning at 8pm CST. I'll be hitting it hard and rolling steady with some crazy Rockabilly music! Get greased up and don't be square! #knon #knon893 #rockabillyrevue #highenergy
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#latergram someone figured out that my neighbor had a bee hive camped out in their sprinkler valve cutoff box. I took this a few days ago and there were bees as of today STILL pulling honey back out of the combs they left behind. Honeybees are having a rough time this year. I am still trying to figure out if I can get a good 5-10 foot flight path in this yard (not likely). We still have all our bee gear, so we'll see…….. #honeybees #honeycomb
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Found this in some archives. Scanned from a hard copy photo – one of the only pictures of my first "69 Camaro. Back in the 90's I had to make a pretty conscious decision to take pictures and then get them developed….or ya know….pay my rent. I think I paid $1000 for it (no motor no trans). My 2nd Camaro I paid $3000 for. Holey single plane intake, 4 barrel Holley double pumper carb and little/big tire combo. I was way over my head. Lol