Standing in the shadow of #juryduty
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I found this on my phone from the trip: I submit to you: The two most elaborately presented scallops I've ever seen. #scallops #giantbowl #seaspongesreally
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Just got back from Chicago to another grand experiment (much easier than I thought it would be). #drrispeakerupgrade #sidegrade #fenderdrri #warehouseguitarspeakers
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@honeycocoa got all the good #witco pics, but for a great old-school tiki bar hit up @thehalakahiki. We loved it, super laid back. Thank you Brittany! #tikibar #witco #oldschool #alltherum #1964 #og1964
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My contribution to our #lostlake archive. Super hard to take good pics when you are in the back (dark) room. Cool spot!
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I saw the industrial sized plastic mold making machine at the zoo (circa 60s/70s). I immediately had to insert my cash and claim a quickly cooling blob of plastic. I have a twinge of regret for creating another piece of plastic that will last 1000 years, but it sure is neat! #gorillamold
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(Not my picture) but I did see this guitar today at the @lacepickups booth at @dallasigf – lace also had some interesting #ratfink guitars too. #tiki #tikiguitar #ratfinkguitar #laceguitars #lacepickups