My repost app sucks but the Lollie Bombs don't! If you are a card carrying #bombsquad member you need to get to this show!#Repost @lolliebombsburlesque (@get_repost)・・・ATTENTION HUMANOIDSTickets for Fhloston Paradise are selling out fastIf you'd like to board our ship, go to for a ticket addition to your Multipass Thank you for flying Lollie Airlines #fhlostonparadise #fifthelement #burlesqueshow #neoburlesque #burlesque #circus #dance #aerials #opera #magic #vivaslounge #cultfilms #90s
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I love my Honey! #Repost @honeycocoa (@get_repost)・・・My sweet,charming,handsome,weird,nerdy,crazy,Valentine for life @the_devils_tool ️ 5 years ago we celebrated our first Valentine's Day on our 3rd date! #smitten #smittenkitten #myboo #myvalentine #mylove #partnersincrime
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Back at @andysdenton for the first time in a loooooong time. @bourbonandbordeaux in its infancy had shows here years ago. Ours were pre-remodel and this balcony used to be the "dressing room" which we somehow blocked off well enough that there were only occasional glimpses of half naked women. It's a trip for me as it was my introduction to the (sometimes chaotic) world of show production. We've come a long way, and our shows (while always great) have become phenomenal with the partnership of @ninesbar in Deep Ellum. If you are in Denton, Salty Lady Burlesque has a brunch show – come on out! #dentontx #burlesque #thatsshowbiz
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It's show day! VIP is already sold out, can't wait to see everyone there!#Repost @bourbonandbordeaux (@get_repost)・・・ Featuring performances by @jennica_lynnlee @sweet_t_dancer and from #austintx @remimartini1 ! Hosted by @honeycocoa with #gogo by @pistolettes and rockin' tunes by @the_devils_tool Tickets available via #bourbonandbordeaux #vintagecocktailhour #deepellum #deepellumtx #dallasburlesque #dallasevents #dallasdrinks #dallasnightlife #showgirls #burlesquedancers #drinkspecials #datenight #thursdaynight
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For @toysnobs , I was a #leadsalesassociate – will never forget the daily recorded call by the district manager (Ron) who famously ended a call with, "Remember, the song ain't over until the fat lady dances!"#kaybeetoys #westwoodmall #sharpstownmall #idontthinkthatshowthatgoes
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Was looking for something else and found this. Immediately thought of @arthurschmart#Repost @jefnyc (@get_repost)・・・#looks #barbaraeden