Holy moly! See what you miss when you dont come to the show?? See you next Thursday at #thevintagecocktailhour #Repost @bourbonandbordeaux (@get_repost)・・・Happy #wickedwednesday courtesy of @divertidadevotchka from last months #vintagecocktailhour 😈 #divertidadevotchka #wiggle #bumpandgrind #burlesquedancer #buxombabe #vamp #panelskirt
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#Repost @bourbonandbordeaux (@get_repost)・・・Hey hey hey! Hope everyone is having a fabulous #monday !! We are gearing up for next weeks #vintagecocktailhour at #thenines Featuring performances by @jennica_lynnlee @sweet_t_dancer and from #austintx @remimartini1 ! Hosted by @honeycocoa with #gogo by @pistolettes and rockin' tunes by @the_devils_tool Tickets available via prekindle.com #bourbonandbordeaux #vintagecocktailhour #deepellum #dallasburlesque #dallasevents #dallasdrinks #dallasnightlife #showgirls #burlesquedancers #drinkspecials #datenight #thursdaynight #deepellumtx
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Now THIS is what you bring back from a cruise!! Thank you so much @jennica_lynnlee !!!! #barbadosrum #barbadosrumismyfav #rum #delicious
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I had wondered how long before #revthecollie and #beetlejuicethecat would start snuggling. #bestdogandcat
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My #realmccoycustom was acting up (dead battery) so I pulled out the old chrome @morleypedals wah. The bulb was still good, I was pretty surprised. I bought that Morley for $25 back in the 90s because that bulb was burned out at the same place that ripped me off for a trade for my Ovation Celebrity for a '72 SG with a badly repaired neck break. #caveatemptor