A little over a week away, get your tickets now!#Repost @bourbonandbordeaux (@get_repost)・・・Happy New Year Everyone! The first #vintagecocktailhour of 2018 is just around the corner Jan. 11th @ninesbar ! Featuring performances by @kerrinfuego @divertidadevotchka @honeycocoa and #gogodancing by @femme_vivre Music by @the_devils_tool .Tickets available via prekindle.com #thenines #bourbonandbordeaux #thevintagecocktailhour #dallasburlesque #deepellum #thursdaynight #dallasnightlife
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#lowlight #scusetheplaying I'm out of practice but I knew I had to post a sound clip of the killer @roadhousepickups #VistaTone before I raved about it. #clipsoritdidnthappen The phone can't capture the sparkle on the high end, and I daresay the #modernecopy doesn't sound like a #lespaul any more (yay!) Loving the single coil twang and jangle. Thanks to @walter.broes for the recommendation. #roadhousepickups #dillonmoderne
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After string trees, I finally got the @roadhousepickups VistaTone bridge installed in the #moderne . Installed it at home of #theviking and tested it on his crazy rig. Now I'm home and ready to put it into the #deluxereverb and everyone is taking a nap! Is that timing or what!?!?!
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Rockabilly Revue and Vintage Cocktail Hour gets slipped in there thanks @artbyhamilton ! If you're into Texas Tiki – check out this podcast by @davidphantomatic #Repost @thetikitorches (@get_repost)・・・A fun visit with Marooned: A Texas Tiki Podcast can be heard on Episode 9 of this Texas based podcast! Hami sits down with the host and discusses the Torches recent Christmas recordings and where the group plans to go in 2018! Mahalo @davidphantomatic ! #maroonedtexastikipodcast #texas #tiki #podcast #thetikitorches #exotica #christmasmusic #rockabillyrevue #vintagecocktailhour
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Jumpin' Jayson is killing it RIGHT NOW! Happy anniversary!#Repost @_jaysonw (@get_repost)・・・Tonight marks my 5th year as co-host of the Rockabilly Revue on KNON 89.3fm!! I'll be running the board this evening, and along with my sidekick Cowhide we'll be playing all the hits we can fit! What else do you have to do on this dreary evening but huddle up on the sofa and tune in? As Eddie Cochran (the gent pictured above) sang "I'll be ready at 8…" BE THERE!! Listen on the app or at knon.org.