Household motto: Sparkle Everything! #sparkleeverything #fireglass #retromod #fireplace
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#Repost @honeycocoa (@get_repost)・・・Tomorrow @ninesbar it's officially #cocktailtime with my favorite monthly party #thevintagecocktailhour !! Swinging tunes provided by #mypartnerincrime @the_devils_tool with performances by @tifatittlywinks @mrskittymartini @roxxyreckless and go-go by @alic0rn Hosted by yours truly. Show starts at 8:30pm Photo by @nakedlensdallas #bourbonandbordeaux #theninesdeepellum #thedevilstool #honeycocoabordeauxx #dallasnights #compere #dallasrockabilly #dallasdrinks #dallasburlesque #featherboa
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After three D strings, I will never again take for granted a 3×3 headstock design.😑 I've got it going but I need a luthier to scope out a long term solution. The weird posts that relieve the string break are just pulling over the soft wood at full tuning with a set of 10's. I'll try lighter strings but I need locking tuners and probably a @tvjonesinc Magnatron in the bridge. As-is it's the most Les-Paul sounding guitar I've ever owned, even more Les Paul than either of my actual Gibson SGs. Lastly, leaving work with it in the soft case people thought I was "open carry" with a rifle. All in all, good purchase, just needs some tweaking. #dillonmoderne #modernecopy #lespaul #stringbreak #tvjones #ineedadrink #rum
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Like a bad girl should…. #Repost @shawndickinsonart (@get_repost)・・・Can your pussy do the dog?#cramps #poisonivy #cartoon #pinup #shawndickinsonart