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#Repost @bourbonandbordeaux (@get_repost)・・・One week from today!! It's #cocktailtime at @ninesbar as we celebrate 2 years of titillation and intoxication at #thevintagecocktailhour Hosted by @honeycocoa with performances by @misscherryonfire @meaowciao @thecourtneycrave @sweet_t_dancer !! Music by @the_devils_tool and Go Go by @pistolettes !! Visit www.thevintagecocktailhour.com for more info. Tickets available via prekindle.com #thenines #bourbonandbordeaux #vintagecocktailhour #deepellum #burlesqueshow #dallasdrinks #cocktails #datenight #girlsnight #dallasevents #dallasnightlife #showgirls #dallasburlesque #misscherryonfire #melissameaow #courtneycrave #sweett #thepistolettes #thedevilstool #gogodancers #dallasgogo #honeycocoabordeauxx #vintageevents
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The 12 year old me is super excited AKA Gremlin with a Gremlin mug AKA things I buy online when I drink Rum #gremlins #gremlinpuppet #trickortreatstudios