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We successfully negotiated some "outside time" with our neighbor. She has two Shar Pei and one of them shows affection with body slams. It's the strangest thing I've ever seen but Rev gets weirded out by it and they just want to eat each other through the fence. Bosley, of course, is unfazed but is intensely curious as to why the "guy with the treats" is in the backyard – and must investigate. #revthecollie #bosleytheshihtzu #sherwoodforest #roughcollie #honeytreecollies #shihtzusofinstagram #roughcolliesofinstagram
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Hitting @vivasloungedallas tonight for one of my favorite shows : The Lollie Bombs @lolliebombsburlesque (I have some crushes), I *should* see you there. ♤♡◇♧ #Repost @honey_hulala (@get_repost)・・・We're ready @lolliebombsburlesque SHOWTIME IS TONIGHT – 9PM AT Viva's Lounge with special guest @honeycocoa & Club Wood 🎙 see you there #showtime #lolliebombs #vivaslounge #burlesque #circus #varietyshow #magic #sideshow #neoburlesque #dancing #singing #bondage #livemusic #jazz #dfwburlesque #dallasburlesque #do214 #dallasobserver #centraltrack #liveentertainment #datenightPhotos by @darkroomlament @michaelschulzephoto
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Next on deck, Bourbon and Bordeaux bring you another tantalizing cocktail event at @ninesbarJoin us for #thevintagecocktailhour featuring glamorous #burlesquedancers , shimmy shakin' #gogodancers , Rockin' tunes, and more! The kitchen will be open, and the bar will be serving up delicious $5 Martinis and Manhattans! VIP seating available via prekindle.com#bourbonandbordeaux #thenines #deepellumtx #dallasburlesque #dallasnightlife #vintagestyle #dallasdrinks #dallashappyhour #vintagecocktails #dfwburlesque #dallas #dallastx #dallasart #dallastexas #dallasnightlife #deepellum #deepellumtexas #deepellumdallas #dallasobserver #dmagazine #centraltrack #do214 #burlesque #burlesqueshow
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Next on deck, Bourbon and Bordeaux bring you anothet tantalizing cocktail event at @ninesbar#Repost @bourbonandbordeaux Join us for #thevintagecocktailhour featuring glamorous #burlesquedancers , shimmy shakin' #gogodancers , Rockin' tunes, and more! The kitchen will be open, and the bar will be serving up delicious $5 Martinis and Manhattans! VIP seating available via prekindle.com #bourbonandbordeaux #thenines #deepellumtx #dallasburlesque #dallasnightlife #vintagestyle #dallasdrinks #dallashappyhour #vintagecocktails #thursdaynight
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So…..great food, mimosas and cocktails AND some attractive ladies with fabulous costumes? How much more convincing do you need? I'll be spinning some tunes so I'll see you at @ninesbar this afternoon at 3 – NO COVER