• Tag Archives lowbrow
  • “You’re suffering from hardening of the orthodoxies.” ~ Camden Benares

    Today a friend of mine inadvertently offended some white people. Well, white person anyway.  In a very small, limited way I can understand where they were coming from. (This with a guess that they’ve never seen “Stuff white people like” either). She posted the below picture on Facebook and someone took offense.  To me the picture seems as any other ha-ha internet picture does. Good for a chuckle…..then it’s time to move on.

    Despite the fact that I think only a small percentage of anything you find on the internet should be taken seriously, I forget sometimes how sensitive people are to the dumbest stuff.  A good example would be this really cool patch that I got for one of my jackets:

    What’s not to love, right? As someone who loves religion as pop-art and lowbrow culture (neither of which I take too seriously), I was quickly reminded that I live in the South. The South where some people are fanatically religious and could cause me verifiable harm. Some people take that religion stuff really REALLY seriously.

    I’ve had way less issues with people than I used to. I used to wear my priest collar out in public just for the hell of it, and I think people were generally too shocked to beat the crap out of me.

    I think sometimes shock value is good. Sometimes it initiates change. Obviously my friend won’t be posting any Nutella pics referencing white people, but that change has debatable value.  Although, since I’m white could I have posted the picture without recrimination? What’s the impact there? Can I go hang out at IKEA and lure white people into a van with Nutella? (Did I just define IKEA as whitebread? Of course not, everyone shops there.)

    One of man’s most admirable traits is the ability to laugh at one’s self.

    Too bad people forget to do that often.

  • Impress your friends, your frenemies, your enemies and your neighbors! ~ Me

    Like the new header?  I’m pretty proud of it myself.

    One of the things that I wondered for a long time was, “How can I get one of my favorite lowbrow artists to draw something for me?”  As it turns out, it’s as easy as sending an e-mail.  Since my blog gets an occasional flurry of hits thanks to various sources,  it was time to give it a little more life (or death….)

    Having been a fan of Vince Ray‘s artwork for a while, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to see if he would be interested in working with me on a design.  Several e-mails later, we nailed down the specifics and he got to work.  As with all artists that I’ve worked with, Vince was extremely cool, open to suggestions and executed my ideas perfectly while adding his own signature touches.

    Getting a custom art piece is really cool regardless of the reason – you don’t have to have a blog. I have to say it’s a lot like getting a custom tattoo, although you don’t *usually* have to take any clothes off for anyone to see it.

    I can’t recommend Vince highly enough. He’s open to ideas and is fair on price for his work (although I will hunt you down if I hear you tried to lowball him).  Even if you’re not into the entire lowbrow angle, the guy is a talented artist and can come up with a design that’s going to make you happy. As a matter of fact, he and I are currently in discussion about another piece that’s more sci-fi related.

    Anyway, enough with the sales pitch – I got his permission to post his FB page in case any of you were interested in commissioning him for a custom piece yourself. Vince is a cool cat to work with.

    Vince Ray’s Facebook Page

    The full image –