I’m back from the store.
Pet Peeve: People who EAT while at the grocery store. I don’t know why that bugs me, but there was a dude walking around chowing down on a corn dog. A CORN DOG. Mind you, this was the (dare I say it) nice Kroger that I usually go to. I don’t usually see rednecks eating corndogs and shopping for groceries.
Why the hell is there no non-fat milk at the store on Friday nights??
Is there a non-fat rush for the weekend? I got a quart of 1% and a quart of 2% (with OMEGA 3 added).
Total shout out to my friend Monica. She knew I was down as I’ve had a lot happen recently and so she sent me the best gift of all – BOOKS. I don’t know how she did it, I haven’t talked to her in about 15 years or so, but she picked the perfect books for me.
Here they are:
I’ve been wanting to read the Stephen Colbert book. (I like the show, but I enjoy reading his kind of authoritative/commanding humor rather than watching it. Much like Saturday Night Live, I only seem to enjoy it when they start laughing at their own jokes on camera.) SO, Perfect Book #1. Totally my type of dry, deadpan humor.
Perfect Book #2 is “How to be a Villain”. Totally my style, it’s a primer on how to be a villain (and I suppose take over the world). I can’t wait to start wearing a pencil-thin moustache. Hee-hee-hee. Whoops. Good thing that book teaches you how to laugh like a villain. “Hee-hee-hee” may not cut it.
I honestly don’t know how she picked the perfect books. But she did. They did their job and they’re lifting my spirits so I thank her.
There is probably one more thing I can write about today – but I may wait until tomorrow as it’s pretty funny. I’m drinking an excellent mocha (I have finally sussed the De Longhi out) and I’m going to go watch “Burn After Reading” and possibly “The Spirit”. I haven’t heard anything about The Spirit, but I’m looking foward to B.A.R. So the funny story may wait until tomorrow.