“Asked to explain Zen my puppy with the same name looks, and thumps his tail” Jay Hackett

As I fool around with inline CSS on the fly, I realize that I probably need to get a dog to keep me company. I swore that I wouldn’t get a dog until my fence is fixed….but does it really matter? A well trained dog won’t go far.

Of course, I have to remember that being unemployed is great for pets who love company – but upon my eventual return to the workforce, pets who get lonely tend to be troublesome. Although, if I find a puppy the cats can eventually learn to be friends. HA! Good thing they’re declawed.

Must think about this more.

I picked up a small UPS so that if my house should suffer a power drop (it occasionally happens) so that the cat’s auto-feeder doesn’t lose the time. It’s funny, it keeps all other settings, but won’t keep the time. It’s like my microwave. I didn’t discover this until my cats were near screaming at me a day after a quick power drop and I realized I hadn’t heard it drop food in a while.

So, if there’s a quick power drop, my cats will still get food. Success on that front. I can imagine being able to SEE the food, but not be able to get any of it. Of course, as soon as all the food runs out, they’re screwed anyway – but theoretically I wouldn’t be gone long enough for that to happen. I wish someone would invent a small inline UPS for occasions such as these. There’s not much of an economy for smaller things. The UPS that I bought is 200 watts which is WAY overkill for the purpose – but I couldn’t find anything (locally) smaller than that.