“I tried to get [Dewberry] on our team. But we’re right on the dividing mark for the North and the South.” Tommy Tonelli

So here’s a picture of the biggest Dewberry bush in my backyard right now.

Dewberry bush #1

The poor thing is getting chewed up pretty well. So I ordered some ladybugs to see if they can take care of the pest problem for me.  This bush is the biggest of the three (possibly four) so far. I say four, because I planted one and at this point I’m not sure if it’s growing or not. I think I can recognize the leaves, but my yard is so overrun with everything else it’s hard to tell.  Luckily, it’s sprouting new leaves almost faster than they’re getting chewed up.  I call this one #1 because it was the largest of the ones I planted. Should have taken “before” pictures, because when I planted it – there was nothing. From nothing – to this. I’m pretty pleased with it.

Now to clear out the REST of the flowerbed. *sigh*