“I’m not that interested in fashion… When someone says that lime-green is the new black for this season, you just want to tell them to get a life.” Bruce Oldfield

Well, I went ahead and did it.

My artistic side is getting a chance to roam for a while. I had no less than six conversations about my hair today.

I love it up here – people make conversation with me rather than gawk. (Some gawk too) One lady asked me what band I was in, and I said, “I’m not in a band right now, I teach guitar”. Her (probably 4 year old) son plays drums – I told him to keep at it, that there is something in the water in Texas and EVERYBODY plays guitar.

Lots and lots and lots and lots of people just walk right up to me: “You have GREEN HAIR!!”

Me: “You are soooo correct!”


One thing I forgot about our trip to Galveston, when I was driving the seawall, I was nearly a third car in a three car collision – my four wheel discs stopped in time, and the first car (that was rear-ended) pulled away and drove off! My zippy little car caught up to them so that we could get their license plate, and we turned around and gave it to car #2. Good deed for the day.