“It’s time to reappreciate the original software: paper.” Dale Dauten

I’m really getting to the point where I don’t feel like I’m accomplishing anything because I spend so much time on the computer. The hourly watching statistics for TV in the American household could apply to the Internet in my case. Sad.

But, I do want to relay a few things.

* My abs hurt like hell. For father’s day, I decided my daughter and I should go bungee jumping (first time ever). Whoo. It was interesting.  She decided that she was only going to do one ride. The Skyscraper. As we were buying our tickets, they told us the Skyscraper was out-of-order. I climbed up the seven story tower to bungee jump and waited as they got all the equipment ready. While I waited, there was a guy fixing the Skyscraper. I’m not sure what was scarier – the fact that I bungee jumped, or the fact that we went on the Skyscraper right after they had fixed it.

Here’s a video of the Skyscraper (note, this is neither me or my daughter):

As to the bungee jump, it was scary (I won’t lie). Throwing yourself off a seven story scaffolding is scary enough. I closed my eyes halfway down.
I’d do it again though. I think it was the Skyscraper harness that made me tighten up my abs. Ouchy. Fun ride though.

(I hate heights)

I wouldn’t suggest that bungee jumping cured my fear of heights, but it made me look at it differently. I’m looking forward to going again to see what it’s like the second time and see how I get more comfortable with it.

* The lady next door whose dog barks a lot is having a hard time. There’s some cats in heat that have found that her side of the fence is a safe lovin’ zone, and dog free. They start yowling, the dog goes nuts and she has to start banging on her window to distract them. We can’t stop laughing when we hear it.

* I don’t have a third point but it always feels like I should include one.