“I’ve never let my school interfere with my education.” Mark Twain

Holy crap.

I’m glad I delved a little more deeply into all the school stuff…..

I just ordered all my books online (!), checked a message board for one of my classes (!) where the entire class syllabus, exams and study guides were posted (!).

Unbefreaking—- anyway.

“Back in the Day”….this was ALL manual. The stuff was stored at the library….registering for classes was a bitch, then you had to get your “book list” the first day of class…..THEN go buy them.

These kids don’t know how good they have it now.

At least I’ve got SOME computer skills, the setup is good (not great) and so you end up having to manuver around a bit to find everything.

I did finally pick up my parking permit – got to go back Friday and pick up all my boooooks.

Little nervous about it all.

I’m sure I’ll do fine…..