“Never let your persistence and passion turn into stubbornness and ignorance.” Anthony J. D’Angelo

The great website migration of 2013 just got completed last night.

I’m sure a bunch of sites got a slew of re-notifications that someone linked to their site (sorry JYuenger), but I had to move thethousandyard stare to a hosted site.

After years of using the free wordpress site with some small financial additions, I realized that I could shift it to the host that hosts one of my other websites with zero cost.

So….more flexibility with my blog, zero space/media restrictions and then zero cost? Sign me up!

Much thanks to the two support techs at Bluehost.com – the two things I couldn’t figure out (quickly) they handled in a matter of minutes.

Other than that, it’s an icy wasteland here – rather unusual for this area, but it is what it is.

Again, the menagerie of cats in my yard far exceeded my expectations.
They like the new electrical box.  Most of the cats aren’t in this picture. There’s another four or five cats that were wandering in other parts of the yard when I snapped this.

If you look closely, you can see the Southern Culture on the Skids sticker I put on the side.
