“O wonderful, wonderful, and most wonderful! and yet again wonderful, and after that, out of all whooping!” William Shakespeare


For the first time, I wore my Flat Duo Jets shirt today.

When I picked my daughter up for school, I should have REALLY noticed the imperceptible eye widening……but I didn’t. I just chalked it up to her “normal” not liking whatever I’m wearing.

Off I went to the courthouse to file a Deed on my house. I’m there and the cop at the metal detector motions to the three other officers that are there, “Hey, lookit his shirt!”. Then I went into the clerk’s office. The clerk’s eyes got huge and he says, “You know you’re in the courthouse right?”. I said, “Well, it’s not illegal…..”

He says, “Well, I wouldn’t walk around downtown or anything….”

Kinda funny. I kinda forget that most of the world isn’t on the same wavelength as me. It reminded me of the time in high school when I wore my “School is Hell” t-shirt.

I really didn’t think anything of it, but Mr Strickland (the band director) didn’t take too kindly to it.

They made me turn it inside out. D’OH!