• Tag Archives .44
  • “It is a very windy, wet and wild part of the world.” Mike Sanderson

    I don’t live in a particularly rough neighborhood.  I don’t think, anyway. Maybe I’m oblivious.
    On the far right is an example of a .38 caliber bullet. To the immediate left is a 9mm bullet. Just to the left of that is a .38 special bullet. And finally on the left is a .44.

    The three on the right I scammed off of my friend when he was showing me the differences between calibers. We had been drinking, and if there’s one thing I’m sorely lacking, it’s weapon knowledge. Suffice it to say that my daughter has been to gun ranges more than I have.

    The tricky part is the .44. I was grocery shopping yesterday (near the organic aisle) and I hear somebody walking behind me. Ka-ching-Kaching!! Something bounces off the floor as he passes, skitters between my legs and rests in front of me.  I look down, and reach for it. It looks like a bullet! So I pick it up and sure enough it is. At the same time, I look up and the person who was behind me is dressed in the store color – and is heading right into the back room. The timing was such that I didn’t get to say anything. What WOULD you say? “Hey buddy, you dropped this really large caliber bullet? While on duty?”  At first I thought it was one of those bullet keychains. Nope.

    So I pocketed it. Paid for my stuff and left.