• Tag Archives Airline
  • “No person who is enthusiastic about his work has anything to fear from life” Samuel Goldwyn

    I’m pretty enthused about the number of companies contacting me that are relevant (and fiscally responsible) to my work experience. Being unemployed – while good for resting, is not so good for the checking account.

    It turns out that the mortgage company still wants me to pay? Crazy – I know.

    While I’ve been passed over for jobs that I know I would excel at so far – better job offers have come my way anyway.  My skill set is relatively confined while being broad enough to appeal to many aspects of the industry.

    I can’t tell if that scares them more than helps me.

    This has been a week of getting back into the groove.  New Orleans was such a blast, it’s hard not to bring the spirit of it back.

    While NOLA is known for “getting your drink on”, we really didn’t partake that much while we were there.  That possibly is what tagged us as “locals” because we weren’t staggering around clutching a Hand Grenade nor a Hurricane. Being that Texas is a pretty close neighbor to the Big Easy, we did pick up a King Cake when we got back.

    Since I’m not religulous at all (great movie BTW), the King Cake really doesn’t mean much more to me than “party with your friends and enjoy life”.  Or more specifically, “enjoy as breakfast”.