- Tag Archives espresso machine
“They need a good cup of espresso to keep them going.” Edward Stevenson
Ahh….I’m in heaven……just heaven.
In other news, my refrigerator is holding a steady 60 degrees Fahrenheit……which means that my freezer defrosted and I lost all my frozen stuff. The milk hasn’t quite gone bad yet, so it may not be a lost cause yet on that side. Repair is scheduled for tomorrow.
Maybe I should start writing that paper. D’OH!
“My fault. Obviously a brain cramp. I had nowhere to go. It was just a mental mistake.” Bernie Williams
Pretty crappily interesting day.
After I got out of class, I got a message on my phone that my house alarm had tripped about 30 minutes after I left.
So, I drove home, managed to not be freaking out, minimally speeding….
And then in the final mile of being home, I opened my car up and passed two cars – I was doing about 60. My radar detector tells me I’ve been hit by laser!
I pull in front of the cars I was passing and there’s the cop – I turn, and he doesn’t do anything…..so I keep driving, and he pulls over one of the cars I passed (?,!,?)
Fine by me. I get home and my front door was not latched right when I left and had blown open. Nothing missing.
By this time, I’m exhausted. My espresso machine is still in pieces, and I’m still trying to track the steam valve down. I thought I could survive without it, but it’s TOUGH.
Got my Back to The Future trilogy discs in….what a great movie(s).
Worked out (hard) for the second day in a row and I am SORE. This week is only getting harder.
“The meek may inherit the earth, but the other kind inherits the mortgage” Noah Goldstein
I feel like such a grown-up.
I’m negotiating with the bank in an attempt to refinance my mortgage. I’m not in any trouble, I just want to lower my interest and my monthly payment while I take this time in school.
After talking with a friend who just got a house, I realized that I can get a better deal with all the uncertainty right now.
Granted, when banks look at my credit score, a choir of angels sing……
I forgot – my super-duper espresso machine has sprung a small leak. Which REALLY sucks. I can’t find the part anywhere. I do NOT want to send it off to get fixed, but I may have to. Fuuuuuuuuuuudge.