• Tag Archives green hair
  • “They need a good cup of espresso to keep them going.” Edward Stevenson

    Ahh….I’m in heaven……just heaven.

    In other news, my refrigerator is holding a steady 60 degrees Fahrenheit……which means that my freezer defrosted and I lost all my frozen stuff.  The milk hasn’t quite gone bad yet, so it may not be a lost cause yet on that side.  Repair is scheduled for tomorrow.

    Maybe I should start writing that paper. D’OH!

  • “What we’re looking at this year is an exponential increase in interest in alternative spring breaks.” Jeff Rubin

    This is officially my first spring break in about….uh…..nineteen or so years.

    I don’t really consider it “spring break” since I still have to do pretty much all the normal crap that I do during a normal week. I just don’t have to go to class.

    Today I shall be writing a paper for my Texas Politics class – due next Wednesday. Three pages (no big deal) – but procrastination (much like blog posts) abounds.

    My daughter is now officially hooked on “Lost”. After I plowed through seasons one through five on Netflix, I decided to pick up the box sets when I find them cheap. She watched the first episode, and from the other room, all I could hear was, “OMIGOD, OMIGOD! OMIGOD, OMIGOD!”. Normally, I really don’t find myself that interested in network television, but “Lost” is a pretty brilliant show. Since I was able to watch all seasons pretty successively, there was no “lag” between seasons and therefore no letdown when the writing changed direction. It’s definitely a different show than it was in the beginning, and it should be interesting to see how it wraps up.

  • “Bicycles are almost as good as guitars for meeting girls” Bob Weir

    Those bastards laugh at the green hair, until all the pretty girls come talk to ME


    All part of my evil plan.

    Now that I’ve got an all day Chemistry class on Saturdays, I probably need to be sleeping right now….uh….yeah….sleeping.


    Going back to school…….makes me have so much in common with the young folk of today.


    My teacher (who is probably only 10-15 years older than me)

    Teacher: Does anyone know why the death of Michael Jackson is so important?

    Me: Anyone who was alive in the 80’s knows why Michael Jackson was so important…

    Dude (kid) sitting behind me: Man, if I was alive in the 80’s I wouldn’t be listening to that – I’d be listening to Testament. Metal!

    Me: Uh….only in the late 80’s.

    This kid was probably born the year I graduated high school. Now THAT is depressing.

  • “May you have warmth in your igloo, oil in your lamp, and peace in your heart” Eskimo Proverb

    Sundays appear to be good days to update. Again, I’m not sure why.

    I’ve got a student coming over in about an hour and a half – and I’ll be giving another guitar lesson.

    Yesterday, my brother picked me up and we went to a small get together with some of his friends from school – I’m a at good place in my life, and didn’t feel as …..inferior….. as I normally do. Over time, I’m finally getting to the conclusion that as long as I’m happy with what I’m doing, then the rest falls into place. We drove around a bunch in Ft Worth and went to the stockyards. My green hair went over pretty well there – in a lot of ways it was like being in Houston. The really “square” folks stared – everyone else pretty much ignored me. It was definitely a fun time – Ross’ buddies are all pretty quick on the draw.

    School starts tomorrow. All my credits have been accounted for. After I finish this 13 hours this semester, I’ll only need four more classes to get an Associates Degree. I’m not stopping there though – I’m going to transfer into the college around the corner and go for a degree in Music Business/Recording. Not quite sure of all the different parts of it, but that’s the plan. Having the plan is good enough right now.

  • “How many people make themselves abstract to appear profound. The most useful part of abstract terms are the shadows they create to hide a vacuum.” Joseph Joubert

    I wish I had something interesting to report.

    Things are kind of slow when my daughter isn’t around, and my green hair only entertains me so much. I hear from my lawyer that I will need to go back to blonde before the probate hearing. Yay me. Then it’s back to green.

    Being unemployed is a little surreal. It will be good to go back to school, giving me a daily goal (wake up, go to school, repeat).

    I’m using a book that teaches fretboard logic – and it’s working very well for me. I’m really happy with it.

    Picked up a ton of $2 bills at the bank today. I wiped them out. Why? Why not? It’s legal US currency – it’s time to reintroduce it into circulation. C’mon people! Do your part!

    Going to have a parent/teacher conference tamale. Little one made “student of the hour” last week – of which I am extremely proud. The things you do for your kids…..

    She’s enjoying the whole process which is awesome. This is exactly what she needed. I can enthusiastically endorse Sylvan Learning Center.

    Am considering doing the P90X program – my insurance agent/guitar teacher does it and he loves it.

    I’m trying to use every Category that I have…..here we go – I’m close.

    Installed a new toilet the other day – life is so much better with a new toilet. Don’t underestimate the power of a new toilet.

    Speaking of humor….just kidding. I honestly have had more conversations with this hair than I can count. People say the oddest things. Which is great, because it’s sharpening my response skills.

    “Which came first, the chicken? Or the egg?”