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  • “A doctor can bury his mistakes but an architect can only advise his client to plant vines.” Frank Lloyd Wright

    My doctor is an awsome dude.  I’m a pretty typical guy in that I usually wait until the last possible minute to seek medical attention. In 2007 or 2008, after being told by a health examiner (for life insurance) that my blood pressure was high, I found my doctor.

    Yes, it was a random selection, chosen mostly by proximity to my house, but right before I went in, I made a decision. I made the decision that it was time to own up – for better or worse – that I had no idea what kind of shape I was in. I decided to be completely up front with my new doctor, that I was turning a new leaf and wanted to be open and transparent. I had nothing to lose, it was only my health right?

    When I first went in, the nurse said, “Oh, your Doctor loves to do blood tests.”  I thought, “GREAT!” Sure enough, even he said that he performed a lot of blood tests – just to be sure.

    Since then, I’ve continued to be open and honest with him, and my office visits are mercifully short because I try and get as much info out as possible, making it a one stop shop. He’s always willing to take the time to discuss anything I bring up.  He’s always in a great mood, and we laugh and joke while he goes about the business of making sure I’m a healthy dude.

    Over the last year or so, I’ve put the weight I’d lost back on. In talking to my doctor, I’m approximately thirty pounds overweight. Thirty pounds! That’s pretty amazing. I felt I was about fifteen above where I should be, but this was a reality check.

    Pretty crazy.

    In other news, I rode the Dallas DART for the first time, and figured out that my camera has a panoramic function. Check it: