• Tag Archives Woolite
  • “Both tears and sweat are salty, but they render a different result. Tears will get you sympathy; sweat will get you change.” Jesse Jackson

    In passing, there was some blog post about Rob Zombie directing a Woolite commercial? I’m not going to hate on it – seriously.
    He’s obviously got directorial talent, and I’m sure that shooting a short form commercial is much more appealing than fighting with a movie studio for months/years to get a full length movie released.

    In fact, in no way should my blog ever be considered hateratin’ against Zombie.  The prior post wasn’t a “call to arms” for White Zombie fans – it was merely observations that I had at the time. Nothing like ancient history to keep you on your toes.

    Regardless, having someone who came from the fringes directing such a mainstream product is pretty cool. Introducing such a twisted influence on mainstream society gets an A+ in my book.  A younger me would have called him a sellout, but the older me knows better. Doing what makes you happy is a better path in the long run.

    Speaking of the long run, Vince Ray released a new album called “The Sound Effect of Sex and Horror”. Like his others, it’s killer. As he’s based overseas so I always have to order his discs as an import, but it’s always worth it.
    iTunes is a great service, but getting a Vince Ray album is a hands on experience. Each album has great art that always matches the songs. The latest album is another rock n’ roll bash and I’m especially impressed with the production – everything is exceptionally clean and well mixed. There’s really REALLY creepy gap between the last song and the….uh…other last song, but the secret song really rocks.His music has the kind of swagger and vibe that’s hard to top. But, I am completely biased. I’ve got Vince’s artwork all over my house and my biggest tattoo is based on one of his pieces.