“The more successful the villain, the more successful the picture” Alfred Hitchcock

First, was the knife.  Then it was the keytags. Followed closely by my Mp3 player. Okay, okay, it was an old 2nd generation iPod, but still.

I work in a decent sized company, essentially a cube farm,  surrounded by what I think are fine upstanding individuals.  Still, I believe that. I also believe that one of them is a raging kleptomaniac.

Last week was a hellaciously busy week for me.  Small amounts of sleep, large amounts of work. I’d arrive and throw all the extra junk in my pockets next to my lunch box.

Apparently that was a mistake.

Swwwwwooooooossssssshhhhh. Away they went.

I didn’t bother dog paddling through all five stages of grief, I’m already at “Acceptance”. So, I need to buy a new knife, start collecting stupid shopper key tabs again, and get myself another ipod.

More interesting to me is my “go forward” plan.  Do I bait my cube and plant a motion sensitive webcam? For sure, I’m not leaving my sunglasses alone, undefended. Have to be a little more careful from now on.

Lastly, I need to thank Tokenblackgirls.com for pointing out that Louis CK’s hosting stint on Saturday Night Live last night will surely bring more Abraham Lincoln fans to my blog.  I can’t explain why, but Abe Lincoln is a pretty popular guy.