“There is nothing worse than a brilliant image of a fuzzy concept.” Ansel Adams

I found a picture of a fuzz pedal that I really love – even though I don’t know what it sounds like:

It was supposed to be based on a FuzzFace which I think I’ve only tried once over at my friend’s house. He’s got a Dallas Arbiter. Since I wasn’t playing through my rig, in my house, I’m not sure if the sound was what I liked or not. No time to tweak.  The scarcity of the Batula (250 made?) and the cost ($400? Maybe?) means that I won’t be trying one out any time soon. If I run across one for a decent price and I like the sound…..well…let’s just leave it at that.

Also ran across this custom job that I loooooove.

I guess I just dig the case on it.

I’ve never really been that into Fuzz until recently – mostly due to The Cramps.  Tavo Vega also came up with a Fuzz Ray that sounds pretty bad ass and has a nice Vince Ray graphic on it. I’ve got one of his Brain Seltzer pedals in Cola Sparkle that makes my guitars sound fantastic.

Not really touching my guitars enough to justify a (new) Fuzz right now since I till have TWO Big Muffs that I don’t really use.  But a man can dream…..