“We are in the same tent as the clowns and the freaks-that’s show business.” Edward R. Murrow

Sneaky Freak

My neighborhood does not have an HOA. I did that on purpose because getting bitch slapped by an HOA every other week didn’t sound too appealing. On one side, there’s always the risk that one of my neighbors can set up a bunch of cars on cinder blocks and make an absolute mess. But, so far I’ve been pretty lucky. I’m one of three homeowners on my street who….uh….isn’t as retentive about my lawn. So, both neighbors on either side of me are usually LAST when it comes to mowing their lawns. I’m somewhere in the middle – sometimes I mow before everybody else, but sometimes I mow near the end. With my ankle in wobbly condition, I knew I was going to have to put it off. The rain didn’t help.

My ankle was in reasonable shape this morning – so I went ahead and mowed my front yard. I was on a roll, so I decided to go mow my ex-father-in-law’s front yard. He DOES live in a development with an HOA and I’m positive he’s received a “nasty-gram” in his mailbox for his overgrown yard. They left last Tuesday and he hadn’t mowed before then. I stopped by to check on his reef tank on Monday (one day too late) and his son told me that he had already put water in the tank. Oops. But with the rain we’re getting off and on, I knew he wouldn’t have time to mow – so I went ahead and did it for them. My EFIL isn’t getting back until Thursday night (with my daughter) so at least that should give him a little break. Good deed for the day.