“We learned a lot and lost a lot of sleep.” Mabel Smith

Becoming a less-screwed up version of yourself is hard work. Actually, it’s really kind of exhausting.

Old dog, new….yeah.

This also reminds me why reading is so hard. Books aren’t back lit.

Question Mark

Don’t kindlekindlekindlekindle me, I don’t need one of those. Relatively speaking, by the time I get my hands on a tablet PC, people will have microwave chips beaming the internet directly into their brains.

I really need to relax. The meditation route never really works for me – it’s a LOT of work to keep still. Perhaps I need to investigate taking yoga again. It’s relaxing to the Nth degree and also affords flexibility. Unfortunately, my twerpy ankle is still wincing. It’s been a few years now, and the only thing that manages to make it feel better is intense exercise.

I’m sure that a little over half of my blog followers were following because of guitar related content. Sorry, not much going on there. My buddy built me a small pedal board and I’ve been sporadically picking up my Robin here and there.  My self-improvement doesn’t involve much guitar playing….at least not right now anyway.


I talked it over with that guitar tech, and turns out I gotta find some nitrocellulose lacquer to go over those rough spots. After I sand them down. Such an odd shaped guitar, but what a sweet player!

Back to the book! *sigh*