“We’re a rock group. we’re noisy, rowdy, sensational and weird.” Angus Young

Because I’m (more or less) addicted to coffee, I picked up a Bialetti Moka Express the other day.  I’m really impressed. You stick water in the bottom, the grounds go into a small basket, then you pop it onto the stove.

The coffee (espresso) you get is smooth, and tastes great. I read somewhere that the first few brews aren’t that great until the pot gets seasoned. It’s pretty dang good so far, and if it only gets better, I can’t wait.

It certainly won’t replace the Rancillio (especially since it can’t froth milk) but for a change of pace it’s definitely nice – especially for the price.

My brother mentioned the other day that he was flipping through some old pictures and there was an old one of me and my nephew asked, “Who is that?”, so my brother says, “That’s your uncle”.

He responds, “But his hair is brown!”


I was watching a thing on YouTube about Angus Young’s style, where Rick Allen from Def Leppard was talking about Angus Young’s light touch….speaking of which. Gotta go practice.