“You can’t be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline – it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer” Frank Zappa

As a child growing up in the 70’s, in Texas, football was a majorly oppressive force for those of us who didn’t give a crap about sports.

I was recently sitting in an establishment that was showing Steelers highlights, and reflected back to a recent get-together at my brother’s house. Everyone there seemed to have an opinion about their favorite football team. Ross loves the Steelers, Nancy loves the Redskins, and everyone else seemed to be a Cowboys fan. When it comes to football, I’m less atheist and more agnostic. I just “doubt” that football really exists. Actually I don’t really actively think about it.

For what purpose does organized sports – much like organized religion play? I would hazard a guess they are actually one in the same.

I digress.

Now that I’ve gotten further into my school planning, I’m realizing that this is actually going to be work. WORK! I know I can do it, and if it’s something I’m interested in doing for the remainder of my years, then it’s the “right thing to do”. I guess I just feel a little behind since I imagine that most of the kids that will be in the program for a Music degree will have been reading music all their lives (since grade school anyway) and I never really sat down and learned it. I’ve had to start learning recently as my students are reading music, so I have to do it too.

I’ve set a goal of practicing 30-45min daily on my guitar and see how far I can get before I have to audition at the school *shudder*

This should be interesting.