“If you want something from an audience, you give blood to their fantasies. It’s the ultimate hustle.” Marlon Brando

So I gave blood today.

It was kind of a rush decision as the Carter Blood Care vehicle was on campus. I figured I had eaten enough this morning…..well almost. In the last minute and a half I started feeling queasy – but they gave me a sports drink and a cold compress so I pulled through. I’m probably going to make this an annual tradition around my birthday.

Because it’s the right thing to do.

In other news, my daughter asked me why I was looking like a “rocker”. As in “punk rocker”. Which I found pretty funny. She says, “You don’t look like a rockabilly dude any more”. I said, “This is where all the punk dudes got their looks from – the rockabilly dudes.” She said, “Mmmm. Okay.”

Lastly, I didn’t study for my last PE quiz (pre final) and made a 97. Of course, I finished first and my teacher gave me a big grin – I guess because he expected me to finish first….then I finished first on a Government quiz (pre final) that I didn’t study for and this teacher ALSO figured I would finish first because she sent me to the copy room to pick up copies for the class. Yay me. School is almost over. (For this semester anyway).

Creep on!