“J.J. is the starter. I said that a long time ago.” Dennis Green

Anyone here like Kickstarter?  Hands?

I’ve never read the FAQ’s, when I more or less jumped in and started funding a year or so ago. Three stories, different endings.

Story One:

A burlesque troupe that I’ve mentioned before – Pretty Things Peepshow – was in need of a new touring vehicle.  Via Kickstarter, they pled their case, I backed it.  Of all the campaigns that I’ve backed, I think that one was the most rewarding. Rewarding in the sense that I’m glad they made their goal, not in the “kickbacks” they send you after you pledge. A tour bus is a pretty mighty goal, and they made it.

Story Two:

A New Orleans band She’s Still Dead was ready to record an album. I saw, I donated, then after I waited a while (I forgot) the CD never arrived. I sent a note and I got a nice message in return, my shipment had apparently been lost, they nicely shipped out another one and in two days I was rockin’ out. Great album BTW, Immortal, Eternal.

Story Three:

As to not be specific, I funded a small amount to a local person who was not specific in what they were going to do if it was funded (bad sign number one). As I’m Facebook “friends”, it was rather disheartening to see that the funds that I provided in good faith were being used in ways I did not expect. Obviously, a small amount isn’t critical, but it sure helps me weed out (as a potential investor) bad kickstarter campaigns.

Overall, I think Kickstarter is a great way to fund something (as well as gauge interest) in something that you’d like to do but don’t have the funds for – but be wary of non-specific goals.