“When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.” Anthony J. D’Angelo

Hacky Sack –

A fun, yet addicting game played with your legs. Played in a circle with as much people as possible, the general goal is to have everyone kick the sack before it hits the ground; a hack. once that gets boring you can freestyle.

per UrbanDictionary.com

That hacky sack? I’ve owned that longer than my daughter has been alive.

Addictive is right. I once got every usher in my theater to play in a circle in the lobby – while movies were letting out. I later heard that there was a spy for Tony Kadounha – the district manager at the time – who reported that there was a group of ushers “kicking around a bag in the lobby”.  I didn’t get fired, or even really frowned upon. My manager at the time was a really cool guy, an Iranian whom I’m not going to name, but he was a great manager. His attitude was, “It’s not a big deal, but if you want to be next in line for promotion, that’s a pretty silly way to be disqualified for it.”.

Although I was beat out for it by a woman (girl) who was rumored to have….ahem…..smoked a hot dog to get the job. Let’s leave it at that.

One of my absolute favorite times was playing hacky sack out above the steps at the theater. There was one usher named Tomas who just kicked like a soccer player. No finesse. At all.

So when the sack came his way, it was like a baseball bat hitting the ball to the outfield.

One time, he kicks, and ZOOM…….up on top of the theater roof.

Man oh man. That was fun. “Hey, where is the….uh….ladder….to….uh…..get up to the roof?”

We found it.  I hate heights, but standing on top of the really tall roof of a theater was pretty rad.

Hacky Sack is still cool. I found one rolling around in the bedroom and the old addiction kicked in.  Ya wanna lose weight? Get addicted to the sack.