“On a bell curve, we’re all born with certain skills. Some people are better track runners than others, and on and on, and everyone knows this. But there are some people who are more psychic, more tuned in. If you’re too far above average, you can walk down the street, go into information overload, be empathic, be an empath, pick up all the feelings of all the people around you… and your life can be miserable.” Major Ed Dames

In further conversation with an aforementioned beautiful women, regarding my previous theory she said (and I quote)

“I just can’t understand why guys do some of the things they do – I mean, I just don’t get it”

So I said, “It’s because they’re male, and you’re a gorgeous woman.”

So, I came to the conclusion that there’s a pretty typical bell curve (which I am too lazy to illustrate or even steal somewhere off the web).

Whereby – there is a chasm of understanding between what men will do for a gorgeous woman, and what a gorgeous woman understands a man will do for a beautiful woman (the bottom of either side of the bell curve).


a very close margin of understanding of what men will do for a gorgeous woman, and what a gorgeous woman understands a man will do for a beautiful woman (the top of the bell curve).


At the bottom of the bell curve, there’s probably the typical “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” understanding.

At the middle of the bell curve – where most of us are, realize the differences and there’s a give and take between the sexes’ realities.

At the top of the bell curve, are the people who know what they’ve got, know how to use it to their advantage, and could get the opposite of their sex to commit murder and make them think it was their idea.

Totally non-scientific – but entertaining nontheless.