• Tag Archives Debauchery
  • “Conscience, man’s moral medicine chest” Mark Twain

    I ordered the above print from http://www.cooleycooley.com. One of the things that I find is the more cool art stuff that I go looking for, the more stuff I find that I want to put on my walls.  Unfortunate but true.

    Okay, I’ll confess. I bought an Apple product a few days ago. *Sigh*

    I’m not an Apple hater. Really. My family had Apple products back in the 80’s before Apple was “cool”.  After I saw Kevin Brown play with MacPaint, I told my dad that we needed to get one.  I have many MANY fond memories of playing Infocom games for hours – and teaching me how to type in the process.  We had a Mac 512, Classic, Plus. I didn’t start fooling with PC’s until the mid 90’s – when my (now ex) father in law got me into building them.

    As a dude, I like being able to take something apart and fixing it.  Not that I could have done that with the old Macs, but after learning how to do it, I like the control. So, I resisted for a long time on the iPod/MP3 player front. I’ve blown through a bunch of low end Creative MP3 players. I like them all, but when my Sony theater speaker system came with an iPod compatible dock – I couldn’t use them.  It got put on the back burner for a while.  I don’t have a CD player anymore for my stereo (other than my PS3) so after talking with my brother (who’s been using Macs for years doing graphics but oddly enough has a Google Droid phone) I picked up a used Nano compatible with the dock that I’ve got.

    Despite the fact that I can’t stand the fact that iTunes jacks up if you don’t install it on the C drive – or it did, not sure if it’s still an issue or not – it was installed.

    As soon as I installed it, I jacked up most of my media library as it took over and I was trying to do stuff simultaneously.

    The iPod is totally cool. I get it. It works more better (mo-bettah?) than all my other MP3 players ever did.


    The normalization feature of iTunes SUCKS. So I had to go convert the entire library to MP3 and then run it through some 3rd party programs to settle down the volume jumps between albums/songs.

    In other news, I rolled my sprained ankle yesterday while I was mowing the lawn. It wasn’t bad, but I screamed “OW”. None of my neighbors ran over to see if I had accidentally chopped off my own foot or something.  I guess continuous screaming would bring them over.

  • “The only cure for grief is action.” G. H. Lewes

    I’m back from New York (state). Everyone, including me, always assumes New York City, but I was in the northwest part of the state.

    My reflections of the trip, in part, will remain memories and reminiscence with my brother and daughter – whom experienced the trip along with me.

    But, I will say that I feel a lot better having done it.  It wasn’t creepy having the ashes over my TV, it was more of a nagging insistence that there was something I still needed to do.

    With the conversations I had with my brother, and the strange (small) adventures we had, I came to realize that the trip epitomized everything that my father intended for us to do.  Some of it IS the journey – not the destination. Apologies for being so cliche, but there are times when it comes in handy.

    Today I spent most of the day cleaning up and getting organized.  It’s becoming apparent that I need to prep my house for “party mode” again. I stalled out somewhere last year, but it’s time to restart it.

    Also picked up my first Apple product (since our old 80’s Apple Macintoshes – which are only a distant relative to today’s machines).  Managed to mangle up my music organization, which could have been prevented by reading some directions first (D’OH!).

    But, the stereo is now prepped for “Party Mode”, which is a good start for working on the rest of the house.

    Also, got some new booze. Which I have affectionately dubbed, “Glory in a Glass”.

    Good shit.

  • “I’ve been on a calendar, but never on time.” Marilyn Monroe

    Well, I started a calendar so that I can hopefully keep track of the burlesque stuff happening out and about in the DFW metroplex.

    There’s a lot going on (including classes).

    Work in progress:

    The Calendar

    I also managed to get an RSS feed going off that same calendar (to the right of this blog, underneath my green hair) so that people can quickly glance and see what’s coming up.

    It’s pretty hard to track all this info down, if you have any information that needs to be added – don’t hesitate to let me know.

  • “I found there was only one way to look thin, hang out with fat people.” Rodney Dangerfield

    I opened my blog to search engines again and for the same reason I quit that last time is happening again…..

    Since I posted Ren & Stimpy’s Naked Beach Party clip, search engines have hit my blog for “naket beach” and “naked men on beach”. *Sigh*

    In other news, I forgot that when I was at the burlesque show on Sunday night, one of the acts was a sideshow guy. He needed volunteers, so I went up and got to be part of the “Gay Table” act. It was pretty fun – we had knives juggled around us while us four balanced on each other as a table.

    One of the dancers used Imelda May’s “Big Bad Handsome Man” to her burlesque act. Speaking of Imelda May, she posted a new video today:

    And also, I found a rockin’ version she did of an 80’s classic:

  • “He was genuinely nice. (The movie) is an honor. It’s something you thought would never happen.” Scott Archer

    I did my damnedest to corrupt my daughter – we went to the Rocky Horror Picture Show w/Los Bastardos shadowcasting.

    It was a lot of fun, although she always seems to look on in shocked amazement and then only later reveal how much fun she thought it was.

    The shadowcast and production was far, FAR superior to anything I’ve ever experienced. They had a lightshow, and ran music during those awkward slow times where you’re really just ….waiting…and waiting……

    Some of the lines I was used to, I didn’t hear (of course). Every time I’ve been to a different theater, some of the lines are the same (“Asshole!”), and some are different (“Slut!”), and some of the jokes were immediately topical – which was funny. But they did a great job, and between myself and the cast we managed to shield my daughter from some of the more……uh….outrageous stuff.

    Fun was had.

    My espresso machine is looking like a lost cause. I think I have to wait for my IRS refund to come in before I pick another one up.

    Waiting…..is the hardest part.

  • “I usually take a two hour nap from one to four” Yogi Berra

    I took a nap a little earlier and I’m feeling better after this weekend. Friday and Saturday night some friends and I went to a burlesque festival – it was a lot of fun. We ate sushi at some place I’ve never gone on Friday. At the show, drinks were plentiful and made merry – and looked at the pretty girls.

    BTW – I totally stole these from my friends since I didn’t take my camera. There were approximately 50 performers total over the two nights, so this obviously is just a sample.

    “There’s plenty more fish in the sea” is a very quick, glib way of explaining the truth. And the truth is………………

    ……there are plenty of women in the world that will “get” you. You just have to seek them out.

    I’m working on a project again after realizing that life is short. I’ll update as the project gets harder (which it is already hard, but for some reason I chose superbowl sunday to start again)

    My piano class is fun – I keep getting included on the really hard stuff. Two tests coming up this week – RnR History and Texas Politics. I’m really not taking this semester seriously (unfortunately) but I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’ve been practicing guitar like a mofo and I’m happy to report that I’m very pleased with my progress. Woodshedding (when done right) works.

    On the way:

  • “We’ll have a totally different look, and we’ll spread it around. We should have great balance.” Mark Few

    2010 shall be my year of “balance”.

    Letting myself stress out about stuff that really isn’t that big of a deal is making me tired.

    So, among other self-improvements I’m attempting this year, overall balance is a plan.

    The burlesque shows were a lot of fun. Lots of pretty women and enthusiastic dancing. There were a lot of interesting performances – some that I was quite surprised to see.

    This was going to be a long entry, but I’m tired and my head hurts.