• Tag Archives guitar lessons
  • “I usually take a two hour nap from one to four” Yogi Berra

    I took a nap a little earlier and I’m feeling better after this weekend. Friday and Saturday night some friends and I went to a burlesque festival – it was a lot of fun. We ate sushi at some place I’ve never gone on Friday. At the show, drinks were plentiful and made merry – and looked at the pretty girls.

    BTW – I totally stole these from my friends since I didn’t take my camera. There were approximately 50 performers total over the two nights, so this obviously is just a sample.

    “There’s plenty more fish in the sea” is a very quick, glib way of explaining the truth. And the truth is………………

    ……there are plenty of women in the world that will “get” you. You just have to seek them out.

    I’m working on a project again after realizing that life is short. I’ll update as the project gets harder (which it is already hard, but for some reason I chose superbowl sunday to start again)

    My piano class is fun – I keep getting included on the really hard stuff. Two tests coming up this week – RnR History and Texas Politics. I’m really not taking this semester seriously (unfortunately) but I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’ve been practicing guitar like a mofo and I’m happy to report that I’m very pleased with my progress. Woodshedding (when done right) works.

    On the way:

  • “Try to put well in practice what you already know. In so doing, you will, in good time, discover the hidden things you now inquire about.” Remy de Gourmont

    Gosh – is it Sunday already?

    Time has flown a bit. I kicked some ass this week – spent most of it practicing scales, learning a jazz chord progression and simultaneously watching streaming Netflix (Damn you season 1 of “Lost”!!!)

    Other than that, not much else is going on – school starts next Tuesday….with “MUSIC 1306 – History of Rock and Roll”. Looking forward to it.

    Found an friend from way back on Myspace (which then transitioned to Facebook) as Myspace still is too cluttered. It’s a shame that Facebook can’t come up with a companion site that deals solely with bands/artists/etc. The “fan” pages don’t do much for me.

    There’s a burlesque festival in February that I bought some tickets to. Should be a fun time.

    Everything else has been…..pretty quiet.


  • “I learned to walk as a baby and I haven’t had a lesson since.” Marilyn Monroe

    I went out yesterday and looked for guitar instructors. It’s a nice feeling knowing what questions I want to ask. (Essentially, I’m “auditioning” guitar teachers – since they’ll have to prove that they know what they’re talking about before I buy into the lesson) New students have no idea what to look or ask for – but I’ve done this long enough I know what I want. Mostly though, I wanted to check out the “vibe” of the places to see if they matched up with what would motivate me. For some reason, I can’t get my ass into gear and practice like I need to. I’m currently overwhelmed with options I suppose. Too much stuff to study from, and not enough thought about what I’m going to actually practice. That is not helping me in my quest to audition at UTA.

    Most people who hear me play would say (and do say), “What? Lessons? You? Why are you taking lessons?”. Anyone who actually plays guitar for a living (whether it be a band, a teacher, what have you) quickly can see my weaknesses as a guitar player. I told the one guy (at the place I’m hoping to hook up with) that I’m really looking to increase my fluency on guitar. I need goals, and I need a taskmaster to get me to those goals. While I’m definitely better than a beginner, I’m man enough to admit I need help to get me to my next level.

    Found a place conveniently located near that same little club that has an open mic night on Tuesdays. It’s a few miles from my house and while it did appear fairly disorganized, I liked the setup of the practice rooms. They remind me a lot of when I was taking lessons at Rockin’ Robin back in the 80’s from one of my best friends. I suppose that’s why I like it so much. That and it’s close by the house. Ha!

    Still waiting on a response from the scheduling lady. *crossing fingers*

  • “When a finger points to the moon, the imbecile looks at the finger” Chinese Proverb

    Today has been a really “off” day. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m getting a cold, or if the moon cycle is hitting a little early.

    I didn’t believe in the “moon cycle” until my boss pointed it out to me. About two days before and after every full moon, everything at work would go haywire. Completely off the wall stuff. Things would happen that you just couldn’t believe. (Not supernatural stuff, but stuff that happens once every ten years would just pick one of those days to happen). The next full moon is December second – so it’s a little early yet.

    My day started when I woke up getting everything ready for my guitar lesson. My student canceled. No problem, got a few things done. My brother called and wanted to meet. My daughter and I got ready and we left the house to meet at Bonedaddy’s.

    That’s when it hit me. That “Don’t Leave the House” feeling. It’s that feeling that tells me, “Be careful, something tremendously bad can happen today”. I resisted every urge to cancel everything and stay home. Met up with brother, daughter met a few friends I have there, and I drank three beers and had lunch.

    Afterward, we went to Bed Bath and Beyond, and got a lava lamp for girlie’s room and a sound machine too. Came home and passed out for three hours. Had to pick up milk for tomorrow and I got that same “Don’t Leave the House” feeling. Was extra, extra careful getting home and I’ve locked the door and set the alarm.

    Not sure what’s going on – if it’s an impending cold, it would make sense. The moon, less sense, but still possible. It’s a very nagging feeling that something is not quite right…..I just haven’t figured out what it is yet.

  • “May you have warmth in your igloo, oil in your lamp, and peace in your heart” Eskimo Proverb

    Sundays appear to be good days to update. Again, I’m not sure why.

    I’ve got a student coming over in about an hour and a half – and I’ll be giving another guitar lesson.

    Yesterday, my brother picked me up and we went to a small get together with some of his friends from school – I’m a at good place in my life, and didn’t feel as …..inferior….. as I normally do. Over time, I’m finally getting to the conclusion that as long as I’m happy with what I’m doing, then the rest falls into place. We drove around a bunch in Ft Worth and went to the stockyards. My green hair went over pretty well there – in a lot of ways it was like being in Houston. The really “square” folks stared – everyone else pretty much ignored me. It was definitely a fun time – Ross’ buddies are all pretty quick on the draw.

    School starts tomorrow. All my credits have been accounted for. After I finish this 13 hours this semester, I’ll only need four more classes to get an Associates Degree. I’m not stopping there though – I’m going to transfer into the college around the corner and go for a degree in Music Business/Recording. Not quite sure of all the different parts of it, but that’s the plan. Having the plan is good enough right now.