• Tag Archives phone
  • “That’s a tough one to lose. It was a great game that no one deserved to lose.” Ellen Bridgewater

    As last weekend rolled into the second day, I woke up late thanks to some bad decisions that I had made shortly after I had gotten my hair cut. It’s one thing to feel like a million bucks, it’s quite another to throw caution to the wind and be a man-about-town. I completely give myself credit for keeping my wits about me for getting my ex-brother-in-law safely home at errr…..ahem…three a.m. On the other hand, poor decision-making caused me to lose a pair of sunglasses and him losing his phone.  I liked those sunglasses a lot, kind of a bummer.


    Oddly enough, each time someone nods out while I’m driving them home, I start getting REALLY nervous. Visions of Jimi Hendrix and Bonn Scott float through my head when their head starts bobbing – I’ve got one eye on the road, the other on them. Silly boy, it’s not like you can check their breathing at 60 miles per hour!

    Hendrix mateus rose

    Sure enough he was fine. I made sure he could stagger into the house and put him to bed.


    So, as to my other post, I have to say it’s tough to come to a realization about your life that’s life changing and not be able to really do anything about it……I mean, of course I’m talking about more cat pictures:



  • “The first rule of grifting is, you can’t cheat an honest man.” ~ Hustle

    A friend mentioned the other day that I don’t talk to her the way that she has heard me talk to customers by phone. 99% of my work is phone based and occasionally I “bring my work home with me” when it’s more convenient to call from the house (rather than drive all the way to the office for one phone call). I thought about what she said and it’s definitely true. When I’m asking a customer (a retail store employee) to do something, I’m trying to be as persuasive as possible. The dynamic range of my voice becomes wider, I stay in the higher part of the range, I’m enthusiastically upbeat…..

    Is that me in my day-to-day? Certainly not. If I started talking that way around the house, or even out at the burlesque shows,  it would sound phony. I’m sure it sounds somewhat phony when I call the stores too – but once they’re in that conversation, I use mah werds to reel them in and make them work for me. Does it always work? No way, I’m not THAT good. I’ve taken some difficult situations and talked people “off the ledge” and got some work out of them.  I gauge their interest in helping me and change strategies if needed.  In some ways, I guess I’m kind of a “closer”. When all else fails, they send me in to assess the situation, clean up the damage and make everybody happy. Watch the video below, when they’re talking about degrees of intensity, it’s a great example of changing your approach. Also, Don LaFontaine is a funny dude. Apparently he’ll record answering machine messages. *HERO*