• Tag Archives Walking / Working Out
  • “For still, the more he works, the more do his weak ankles swell” ~ William Wordsworth

    I guess since I asked for trouble, I found it.
    After waking up extremely late today, I managed to sprain my ankle rather severely this afternoon. After a trip to the hospital and the RX, I’m pretty doped up on pain meds.
    I’m recuperating overnight at the ex-inlaws – but it looks like I’ll be off my feet for a while.

    I’ve never broken any bones, and the last sprain I got was when I was 12 or 13.

    This sure is some interesting pain. Wish I had my camera.


  • “masochism is a valuable job skill” ~ Chuck Palahniuk

    One thing that I really like about changing workout routines is the DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) that occurs the day after. After (over?) performing in the yoga class yesterday, I’m feeling some weird soreness around my lower quadriceps and my back muscles feel a lot like when I used to roll out pizzas with a rolling pin.

    Much like any soreness, it reminds me that it’s doing something to my muscles, which is nice. (Also that I skipped my normal workout to go to this yoga class, so I don’t feel bad about skipping.)

    I’ve tried to adequately describe how interesting pain (I think) is to people, and they always look at me like I’m nuts. Or a Sado-masochist.

    But really, how often in life do people embrace pain? Most people spend a lot of time avoiding pain. Which is understandable. I myself do it – pain isn’t something I enjoy, but when it happens, I take the time to appreciate the feelings that it produces.

    I’ve got a slight sunburn from going swimming at my brother’s house on Saturday with my nephews. The sunburn pain is a little irritating. Unfortunately I had a horrendous sunburn experience one summer in Houston as a result of being at Waterworld all day without any sunscreen. I fear sunburns for the type of skin cancer that I suspect it produces.

    However, around the pool flew yellowjackets and bees, that often stopped to drink some of the puddled water. I often wondered (even aloud) what it would be like to be stung – in comparison to being tattooed. I haven’t been stung by anything other than ants since I was a young lad. After sitting in the tattoo chair for two and a half hours, I cant imagine that a wasp sting would hurt that much.

    Is that weird?

  • “It’s very important to have the right clothing to exercise in. If you throw on an old T-shirt or sweats, it’s not inspiring for your workout.” Cheryl Tiegs

    As an illustration of how “off” I’ve been, I’ve only been working out three times a week…..and then wondering why I’m not losing any weight/gaining any muscle.

    Well, DUH.

    All those Men’s Health issues that I’ve read CLEARLY have said that if you want to MAINTAIN your body weight/physique you only have to work out three times a week.

    So, as of today, I’m going back to my 4 day/45 min workout.

    D’OH! I feel so slow sometimes.

  • “There is a very real brain component to addiction, and society up to now has for the most part has viewed it as failure of will.” Richard Pops

    We have entered the culture of lowered expectations – please raise your tray tables and fasten your seat belts, this will be a bumpy ride…..

    I managed to get a “B” on my Texas Politics test. I was a little disappointed that it was an “on the edge” B – it was an 80. Although, for the time I put in, I deserved exactly what I got. So, I went to class today and the professor was astonished that our class did so poorly. The class average was 53. FIFTY-THREE. This is a class where we were allowed to use an index card (both sides) with notes for the test!

    As it turns out, there were two A’s, two B’s, about 6 C’s, 12 D’s, and the rest were F’s. Freaking amazing. I too was astonished. Just think if I had put some time in on it!

    Piano class, I managed to underwhelm myself when I volunteered (too early) for something that I wasn’t really ready for. I thought I was going to get away with not-really-practicing-at-home, but I’m not going to be comfortable doing that. Many of the playing elements are solid, but other parts are not.

    For golf class, we went to Mansfield National and hit some balls at the driving range. Now that was fun. Although, I didn’t realize that I was supposed to use my almost-full-stroke yet, so when the coach was saying, “Bring it back more” I’m like, “Huh?”. So I think I’ll be heading to Top Golf this weekend with Rod and hit some balls. Stretch out my aching triceps anyway. Monday was a snowy/wet day so we hit the cardio room. I also hit the weight room and REALLY pushed myself. Ouch.

    A student got smart with the RnR History/Appreciation class professor. I couldn’t believe it. He looked like he loved Nickelback and was like, “Duuuude! Why are you talkin’ smack to me?” to the professor. A hush fell over the class.

    Stupid kids.

    In other news, when in a funk I managed to mangle one of my rims, and I’m in the process of buying another one. Also, got some windshield wiper blades which are Honda year/model specific which is crazy. At least they were easy to install.

    The amp showed up – somehow I thought it would be bigger. LOL.

  • “I’m so ugly – My mother had morning sickness – After I was born” Rodney Dangerfield

    I would say it’s been a pretty eventful week.

    Saw the Dex Romweber Duo on Thursday at the House of Blues. Exene Cervenka opened. I wanted to see Dex Romweber live so Terry and I booked it over there and saw a rather intimate show in the Cambridge room. It was a cool show – I enjoyed it. Approached the weekend having hit some golf balls and plenty of homework assigned. My piano teacher is now including me in his Piano II class – which is fine. Guitar has taught me enough eye/hand co-ordination that I can pretty much keep up. I’ll only get credit for Piano I, but at least I won’t be playing beginner stuff. Also applied for my associates degree – I graduate this semester.

    Friday saw the Young One get ill – (pharyngitis again AND an upper respiratory infection). Her trip to H-town was put on hold and she’s attempting to burn out the sickness in my bedroom. Been alternately writing papers and taking care of her (and slacking – of course).

    Somehow this week I believe I managed to fracture my big toe (doing jumping jacks barefoot – silly boy). I’ve got it taped up and it feels okay now. Thanks for asking.

    Set my PS3 to run Folding@home so that I’ve got another PC running it. Again, if you ever have had someone you love get cancer, this program uses your computer to compute protein molecules and how they react – researching cures for cancer. Power of collaborative computing. Go team 169588!

  • “I would never speculate on the limit. Every time you speculate, you’re way too conservative.” John Warnock

    Okay – it’s finally time for a Sunday post.

    What’s going on?

    Well, I needed an intermission….to take some time off the internets. Spending more time IRL (as it were). By not spending time on the internet all the time, I’ve found plenty of time to paint my bedroom, paint my breakfast area, practice plenty of guitar, read about four different books, watch about six or seven different movies…..the list goes on and on. Rather than going cold turkey on the whole thing – I decided that Sunday should be my day to “cheat”. Depriving yourself of anything entirely is not usually a good plan.

    My first guitar lesson was last week – I’ve been going through minor scales and getting the key signatures down by memory. Next lesson tomorrow. I’ve got a week or two before school starts again.

  • “Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death” Dead Kennedys

    I’ve got a new nephew.

    Yes, it is a surprise, but only because they waited until the birth to find out what sex the baby was (which apparently is pretty rare these days). The instant-gratification society we live in can’t wait nine months for anything. LOL. Apparently all the nurses were shocked. Spent some time with the family this morning (first in – which is pretty unusual) and got to get some alone time with my first nephew. He’s now the “older brother” and I guess he and I can relate.

    Not much else to report – I guess I still got a lot done. I think my daughter has bronchitis, so I’m taking her to the doctor tomorrow. Took some airborne and took a three hour nap to combat these feelings of fatigue I have. *crossing fingers*

    Time to work out, then maybe do some reading. I have a lot of unread books right now.

    *did forget to mention*

    I have a really cool trip booked for September, but right now linkage to the site where I’m going is worthless, so I’ll wait to update with more detail.

  • “While others may argue about whether the world ends with a bang or a whimper, I just want to make sure mine doesn’t end with a whine” Barbara Gordon

    Okay, okay. I admit it.

    I’ve been slacking……a LOT.

    My weight has ballooned up, and now that I’m out of school for a while, I guess it’s something I should take care of.

    Granted, I give myself a “pass” for last weekend – a friend came in from out of town and we managed to indulge in some culinary delights.

    However! That being said, it’s time to crack the whip, and make things happen.

    Here we go…….

  • “It’s getting better every day as far as the soreness and all that.” Andy Pettitte


    DOMS – or as I learned in my “Concepts of Physical Education”, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.

    Tiny tears in muscle fiber that start getting sore hours after working out. (Typically 24+). In a weird way, it’s good to feel the pain of working out. It reminds me that I did something…..

    I worked out yesterday – a promise I made to myself…

    Although I followed it up with some deep dish pizza (D’OH!), it was worth it.

    I need to get back into the routine – since this weekly cardio work at school seems to be doing nothing for me.

  • “If only there were a longer time between epiphany and epitaph” David Glaser

    I’m being a good boy. I’m sticking around the house rather than going out. I need to plow through a few Netflix discs and practice some guitar…..I already finished most of my homework, enough that I’m satisfied.

    I had to update because it’s been a pretty roller-coaster couple of days. While those closest to me have been riding the front and back cars, and I myself have been solidly in the middle, the days have definitely spun me for a loop (or loop-de-loop or loop-loop-de-loop). There have been a few things that have struck me recently (much like an epiphany) but that I have not quite yet acted on yet.

    I’ve heard recently something that resonated with me, it was said, “I’d rather regret the things I did do, rather than the things I didn’t do”. Which of course I think is totally applicable except for that incident of public nudity on a baseball diamond and possibly the charge of illegal animal husbandry. Regardless, life is short. Extremely short when you look at the long term survival rate of any one human being. (At some point, EVERYONE has a zero survival rate)
    A lot of decisions in my life have been so logic based that I ended up not doing whatever it was because the end result wasn’t something I was entirely comfortable with. These days, I’m finding that to be a pretty limiting decision making process. Always the “what ifs?” held me back. What if? What if? What if?

    Henceforth (yes – I said “henceforth”), I’m going to attempt to head into directions that I haven’t been, do some things I haven’t done, try something I haven’t tried, talk like I haven’t talked, act like I haven’t acted. I’ve come a long way, but there’s a long way to go (and a short time to get there, I’m eastbound just to watch ole bandit run)

    In reality based news, the probate hearing was yesterday. Long story short, it’s probably a good thing I didn’t have some oddly colored hair – because it could have been disastrous. It’s good to act like a completely sane responsible human – some of the time. Ha! Tequila (again) is not my friend – but I’ll know better next time. I still managed to get up, go to school – unfortunately dehydration meant my calves were cramping up so I couldn’t do much. My hair has freedom now – I’m not sure where I should go with it. Most sane people say, “Do what YOU want to with it”. I was going to waffle on it, but I know what I’m going to do now.

    Life is short – remember?