• Category Archives Guitar
  • “To me, music is like air, food or water. I just have to have it. I use it to shut things out when I want to study … it helps pass the time on the long walk to class, and is just my way of unwinding at the end of the day.” – Fred Russell

    I’m taking liberty with my “only sunday” posting policy as I went to my music appreciation class today (History of Rock and Roll). Looks like it will be a lot of fun.

    The instructor is a professional drummer and is a pretty typical musician professor – laid back, goofy, funny etc.

    Before I left I asked him if he took points off for “drummer jokes” but then gave extra credit for “guitar player and lead singer jokes”. He laughed, so I’m off to a good start.

    I did answer a bunch of open ended questions that he asked (when everyone else was silent) and I knew every single artist on a survey that he handed out….so this looks to be a really fun class.

    He did ask if anyone was a fan of heavy metal – most of the class raised their hand. I didn’t raise my hand but said, “Reformed”.

    The girl beside me said, “Reformed? How can you be reformed?”

    I just smiled.

  • “Try to put well in practice what you already know. In so doing, you will, in good time, discover the hidden things you now inquire about.” Remy de Gourmont

    Gosh – is it Sunday already?

    Time has flown a bit. I kicked some ass this week – spent most of it practicing scales, learning a jazz chord progression and simultaneously watching streaming Netflix (Damn you season 1 of “Lost”!!!)

    Other than that, not much else is going on – school starts next Tuesday….with “MUSIC 1306 – History of Rock and Roll”. Looking forward to it.

    Found an friend from way back on Myspace (which then transitioned to Facebook) as Myspace still is too cluttered. It’s a shame that Facebook can’t come up with a companion site that deals solely with bands/artists/etc. The “fan” pages don’t do much for me.

    There’s a burlesque festival in February that I bought some tickets to. Should be a fun time.

    Everything else has been…..pretty quiet.


  • “I would never speculate on the limit. Every time you speculate, you’re way too conservative.” John Warnock

    Okay – it’s finally time for a Sunday post.

    What’s going on?

    Well, I needed an intermission….to take some time off the internets. Spending more time IRL (as it were). By not spending time on the internet all the time, I’ve found plenty of time to paint my bedroom, paint my breakfast area, practice plenty of guitar, read about four different books, watch about six or seven different movies…..the list goes on and on. Rather than going cold turkey on the whole thing – I decided that Sunday should be my day to “cheat”. Depriving yourself of anything entirely is not usually a good plan.

    My first guitar lesson was last week – I’ve been going through minor scales and getting the key signatures down by memory. Next lesson tomorrow. I’ve got a week or two before school starts again.

  • “I learned to walk as a baby and I haven’t had a lesson since.” Marilyn Monroe

    I went out yesterday and looked for guitar instructors. It’s a nice feeling knowing what questions I want to ask. (Essentially, I’m “auditioning” guitar teachers – since they’ll have to prove that they know what they’re talking about before I buy into the lesson) New students have no idea what to look or ask for – but I’ve done this long enough I know what I want. Mostly though, I wanted to check out the “vibe” of the places to see if they matched up with what would motivate me. For some reason, I can’t get my ass into gear and practice like I need to. I’m currently overwhelmed with options I suppose. Too much stuff to study from, and not enough thought about what I’m going to actually practice. That is not helping me in my quest to audition at UTA.

    Most people who hear me play would say (and do say), “What? Lessons? You? Why are you taking lessons?”. Anyone who actually plays guitar for a living (whether it be a band, a teacher, what have you) quickly can see my weaknesses as a guitar player. I told the one guy (at the place I’m hoping to hook up with) that I’m really looking to increase my fluency on guitar. I need goals, and I need a taskmaster to get me to those goals. While I’m definitely better than a beginner, I’m man enough to admit I need help to get me to my next level.

    Found a place conveniently located near that same little club that has an open mic night on Tuesdays. It’s a few miles from my house and while it did appear fairly disorganized, I liked the setup of the practice rooms. They remind me a lot of when I was taking lessons at Rockin’ Robin back in the 80’s from one of my best friends. I suppose that’s why I like it so much. That and it’s close by the house. Ha!

    Still waiting on a response from the scheduling lady. *crossing fingers*

  • “You may have heard that a dean is to faculty as a hydrant is to a dog” Alfred Kahn

    As I find myself navigating different situations that previously I might have over-controlled in order to pre-determine the outcome, but have more or less played by ear, I realize that like anything else the release of control gets easier with practice

    I made the Dean’s list apparently. Which is pretty strange since I’ve never overshot my goals quite so spectacularly.

    Well, good for me I guess.

    In other news, I got to move my daughter’s piano into my music room – and I’ve started the learning.

    One of my friends hooked me up with a guy who is looking for a non-singing guitar player…..hey! That’s ME! so we’re going to try and get together and play. Things are power drifting into the right direction. While I have been content to previously let these things fall in my lap (as they did this time) as of last week, I had decided that I was going to play a new open mic night around the corner from my house. I haven’t prepped for it yet – but I’m in slight vacation mode. Things are looking like they’re flowing in the right direction though.

  • “There is music wherever there is harmony, order, or proportion.” Thomas C. Haliburton

    In general, I’ve always wondered what possessed my mother (or father) to buy the two main record albums that I remember receiving as a child. Yes, record albums. The big plastic discs….

    I believe the first was “Meet the Beatles”

    The second was “Surfin’ USA”. I can’t find the actual album, because for some reason the tracks I specifically remember (In My Room, Surfin’ USA, Little Deuce Coupe) don’t seem to appear on any one album. I’ll put the closest I can find:

    I didn’t have Surfin’ USA album for sure – because I know that I would have recognized Miserlou and Honky Tonk later in life. I hadn’t heard those until late 90’s.

    These albums were received as Christmas gifts in probably ’78 or ’79. Possibly 1980. So, which came first, my getting albums? Or my love of harmony (and minor progressions)? I picked up the “With the Beatles” which I think is the European version of “Meet the Beatles”. The Beatles disc is playing right now – and I remember all the times I listed to this record over and over and over. This is in the late 70’s. I didn’t have any idea who the Beatles were!

    Obviously, I think that “In My Room” is one of the most haunting harmonies that Brian Wilson ever wrote. I once got busted for harmonizing in choir as a young lad. LOL.

    I love the counterpoint I guess.

  • “When a finger points to the moon, the imbecile looks at the finger” Chinese Proverb

    Today has been a really “off” day. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m getting a cold, or if the moon cycle is hitting a little early.

    I didn’t believe in the “moon cycle” until my boss pointed it out to me. About two days before and after every full moon, everything at work would go haywire. Completely off the wall stuff. Things would happen that you just couldn’t believe. (Not supernatural stuff, but stuff that happens once every ten years would just pick one of those days to happen). The next full moon is December second – so it’s a little early yet.

    My day started when I woke up getting everything ready for my guitar lesson. My student canceled. No problem, got a few things done. My brother called and wanted to meet. My daughter and I got ready and we left the house to meet at Bonedaddy’s.

    That’s when it hit me. That “Don’t Leave the House” feeling. It’s that feeling that tells me, “Be careful, something tremendously bad can happen today”. I resisted every urge to cancel everything and stay home. Met up with brother, daughter met a few friends I have there, and I drank three beers and had lunch.

    Afterward, we went to Bed Bath and Beyond, and got a lava lamp for girlie’s room and a sound machine too. Came home and passed out for three hours. Had to pick up milk for tomorrow and I got that same “Don’t Leave the House” feeling. Was extra, extra careful getting home and I’ve locked the door and set the alarm.

    Not sure what’s going on – if it’s an impending cold, it would make sense. The moon, less sense, but still possible. It’s a very nagging feeling that something is not quite right…..I just haven’t figured out what it is yet.

  • “We still have some vacancies, but we’re winding down.” Sally Smith

    I’m really avoiding thinking about school right now.

    Part of my life experience has taught me that I am much better at short projects than long ones.

    School (even a short college semester) really is much longer than I’m good at focusing at. Granted, I’m still doing MUCH better than I thought I would be. BUT, I can feel it slipping away……slowly.

    I should be okay by the end of the semester, the Chemistry test failure was quite a blow – even though it’s a test grade that gets dropped. I’m probably stressing this debate thing more than I should – my opponent today didn’t even realize the debate was next week! They’re in poor-to-decent shape, and I’d say we’re pretty much in the same position. Finished some Concepts homework and now I’m just bumming around. I should probably catch up on Mad Men or play some guitar. What say?

  • “Some weasel took the cork out of my lunch.” W. C. Fields

    I’ve been on Ebay for quite a while – I’ve only been truly stiffed once, and that was my own fault for not being careful.

    Something strange happened this week – not sure why. Actually, I’m pretty sure I know why, but just odd that it happened.

    I did a “Buy it Now” on an Electro Harmonix Big Muff Pi. Total price was about $10 less than they normally sell for. So the next day I get this message from Paypal:

    ” Seller has refunded your money due to: Sorry, I can’t find the pedal! If I get another one, and you still want it let me know!”


    I’m thinking WTF? You put something on Ebay and then can’t FIND it?

    So I didn’t do anything with the auction – didn’t send a message back because I was still mulling it over.

    So apparently while I was at school today, the seller sends a message to me at 9:30am saying, “I found it – do you still want it?”. Then I see a message from ebay at noon or so saying that the seller is cancelling the auction due to “The buyer did not mean to buy it” (?????) And then I look and see that she has RELISTED THAT SAME PEDAL!!!

    So I respond to her and say, “Yes, I still want the pedal – I’m Paypaling back right now”. Then I respond to the ebay claim and DENY the seller the right to claim that I didn’t want the pedal after all. Then I sent the seller a note through her NEW auction and said, “I hope that’s not MY pedal that you’re reselling”.

    I got messages back saying “Oh – okay” then I get another message saying, “Nooo, that’s not your pedal” and I look back at that auction and it’s been cancelled, pictures taken off and the description changed.

    So. Here’s what I think. This seller is in a RUSH to unload this pedal. And also wasn’t happy with how much I paid for it? But then relisted the pedal for the same price? And then pulled the auction after I found out about it? Just strange.