• Category Archives Guitar
  • “Like a thunderbolt in your Cheerios, son.” – David Lee Roth

    Dang it, I couldn’t find the video I was looking for.

    Where was I? So in 1996 or so, I was working at the aforementioned movie theater and The Great White Hype was playing. This was a bad movie. Just overall bad. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY came to see it. The theater that it was playing in was consistently empty so I’d wander in there from time to time to see if anyone was actually watching it.

    I walked in one time and Brian Setzer had a cameo appearance playing “Danny Boy” all Brian Setzer styled, and things are starting to percolate in my brain. A bartender at one of the poolhalls I frequented said, “Dude, I just saw this movie that is so YOU.”

    That movie was Swingers.

    So I’m really getting it all together, and realizing that this kind of music is what I should be playing on guitar. The whole vibe and scene was just too cool – it was what I dug all along. Hot rods, low-brow, twangy guitars…..the works. I picked up the guitar again. It had been a few (ahem) years since I played it with any regularity in high school and many MANY years since the time I played it seriously.  So I set to work. It sounds stupid to “realize” it, but a lot of my guitar playing years were stunted because of my ear.

    I’ve got a good ear. I can hear something, match the key and then usually fake along (depending on how much I’ve been practicing lately).  In elementary school, I played cornet. I couldn’t read music so they just sang the note to me and I played it. While it’s nice to have a good ear, ultimately I think it made me lazier. Especially on guitar. While it makes it easier to jump in, you don’t work as hard so you don’t retain as much information.

    But my daughter was born in 1997 so while she was a baby I actually had PLENTY of time to practice. And practice I did.  I tracked my original guitar teacher (in Houston) and started meeting up with him to start getting this rockabilly stuff down.  I learned a lot of finger picking. I spent a lot of time running scales and learning songs.  I was using my long-time guitar my Ibanez Destroyer (!).

    Found a pic of one (although mine didn’t have the cherries).

    Since I was familiar with the wide fretboard it was great to be pushing through on, but I ended up pickup up my first “rockabilly machine” Gretsch in 1997.  It was a factory second out at Parker Music on I-45 (Houston).

    After a while, I felt pretty confident in my playing. Over confident really. I set up to meet with this guy who played stand up bass. What a disaster. The guy was what I/we call a “purist“. He played the rockabilly records on a turntable (only). He preached the rockabilly superior. Original rockabilly artists only, etc, etc. He turned his nose up at my Gretsch (not a rockabilly guitar?!?) but oddly enough approved of the leopard print strap I had on it? He knocked me off-balance so badly that I couldn’t remember the chords to Blue Suede shoes (!) It was bad. It knocked me back for quite a while. Such a defeat. Now I realize he was just a…..jerk…..but back then I really took it to heart that I wasn’t a good guitar player.

    –to be continued–

  • “Life has its music; let us seek a way – not to jangle the chords whereon we play”

    Whaaa? Why did I pick that title? Jangle is what it’s all ABOUT!!

    I spent the last hour or so annoying the house finally putting fingers to fretboard to figure out the licks in the General Cinema trailer:

    As I’ve mentioned before, it was one of my favorite ever jobs…General Cinema.  I heard that freaking bumper a million times too. I finally goofed it out. Took me about 20 minutes to where I thought the ending slides should start from, but I’m pretty happy with it.  Finally, I can rest easy, knowing that I can play air guitar absolutely correctly in regards to fretboard placement when I imagine this stupid bumper playing in my head. As it so often does.

    Since I started playing guitar in the late 80’s, I’ve always been a guitar based music kind of guy. One of my favorite songs *younger than guitar playin’ years* that really really struck me was Stray Cat Strut. Right around 1995-1996, I caught Brian Setzer playing on Letterman.  (Check out that jacket!)  I was like, “Hey, that’s the dude that did Stray Cat Strut! One of my favorite songs evar!” *Note: We didn’t talk like that in the 90’s. It’s a recent phenom.

    So I set about hunting down a big band version of Stray Cat Strut.  Right about this time, I was also working at the movie theater, and kept hearing the echo drenched rockabilly flavored bumper (above) over and over again. I’m trying to find some clips…

    ….to be continued…

  • “We’re a rock group. we’re noisy, rowdy, sensational and weird.” Angus Young

    Because I’m (more or less) addicted to coffee, I picked up a Bialetti Moka Express the other day.  I’m really impressed. You stick water in the bottom, the grounds go into a small basket, then you pop it onto the stove.

    The coffee (espresso) you get is smooth, and tastes great. I read somewhere that the first few brews aren’t that great until the pot gets seasoned. It’s pretty dang good so far, and if it only gets better, I can’t wait.

    It certainly won’t replace the Rancillio (especially since it can’t froth milk) but for a change of pace it’s definitely nice – especially for the price.

    My brother mentioned the other day that he was flipping through some old pictures and there was an old one of me and my nephew asked, “Who is that?”, so my brother says, “That’s your uncle”.

    He responds, “But his hair is brown!”


    I was watching a thing on YouTube about Angus Young’s style, where Rick Allen from Def Leppard was talking about Angus Young’s light touch….speaking of which. Gotta go practice.

  • “Cats have it all – admiration, an endless sleep, and company only when they want it” Rod McKuen

    So I was killing some time the other day at the local Guitar Center.

    As usual, there were some knuckleheads playing loudly, annoying everyone. Then as I’m checking out the used amps, one of those guys cranks up and I hear the solo to “That’s Alright Mama” played perfectly. Seriously, it was dead on.

    The guy then launches into the intro to La Bamba, then switches the echo and starts playing the intro to a Joe Satriani tune – *Midnight*.

    Needless to say, I was pretty damn impressed.

    If he’d broken out some Jerry Reed I would have fallen over.

    Since this has been a YouTube fest, here’s some Angus. Yeahhhhhh.

  • “The Devil was sick – the Devil a monk would be, The Devil was well the devil a monk was he” Francois Rabelais

    For some reason I really dig this note from Thelonious Monk (Dig?). Since I typically hate stealing an image and not giving credit *cough*flickr*cough*, It was linked on one of those social sites from here (which appears to be a different social media site, but it’s Teller).

    As a musician, I can appreciate it but if you take a step back (metaphysically) it can apply anywhere.

    ** I have also add that my father liked Monk, so I’m going to be listening to some today **

  • “There is nothing worse than a brilliant image of a fuzzy concept.” Ansel Adams

    I found a picture of a fuzz pedal that I really love – even though I don’t know what it sounds like:

    It was supposed to be based on a FuzzFace which I think I’ve only tried once over at my friend’s house. He’s got a Dallas Arbiter. Since I wasn’t playing through my rig, in my house, I’m not sure if the sound was what I liked or not. No time to tweak.  The scarcity of the Batula (250 made?) and the cost ($400? Maybe?) means that I won’t be trying one out any time soon. If I run across one for a decent price and I like the sound…..well…let’s just leave it at that.

    Also ran across this custom job that I loooooove.

    I guess I just dig the case on it.

    I’ve never really been that into Fuzz until recently – mostly due to The Cramps.  Tavo Vega also came up with a Fuzz Ray that sounds pretty bad ass and has a nice Vince Ray graphic on it. I’ve got one of his Brain Seltzer pedals in Cola Sparkle that makes my guitars sound fantastic.

    Not really touching my guitars enough to justify a (new) Fuzz right now since I till have TWO Big Muffs that I don’t really use.  But a man can dream…..

  • Teese RMC3 – Settings (Your Mileage may Vary) **The Best Wah Pedal in the World**

    I have to again give props to J Yuenger because one of his posts led me to a pretty killer Wah Pedal.  After (painfully) trying to record with my chrome Morley, I realized that I was going to have to pick up another Wah. After doing some research (and judicious ebaying), I ended up with an Teese RMC3.  The newer models (RMC3FL) have knobs on them that make it pretty easy to adjust – the one I picked up is older (RMC3) and all the components have to be adjusted on the interior.

    This led me to somewhat of a conclusion. While I really like having all the options and a truly flexible pedal, I have NO idea where to start when it comes to setting it.  Since I got the pedal used (of course), I was at the mercy of the guy who owned it before me.  So I looked high and low for some setting information on the Teese site – which for some reason didn’t have any setting information anymore. I then found a forum posting from Teese himself saying that he took it down.

    Well, darn.

    Yes, I understand that there’s a reason he didn’t want it up there, and there is definitely something to be said for “finding that sound out for yourself”.  As a custom builder, you don’t want people to just stick to any one preset setting because then the flexibility of the pedal is just wasted. I imagine you’d want people to explore, and create, and make their own sound…..

    I get it. I do.

    BUT, when I’m confronted by that many switches and adjustments (6 trim pots and 9 dipswitches!!) I’m a little lost as to how to start.  Finally, I freaking remembered that I had a way to find that information out.  So I found an old article “Tuning your RMC3”. I’m not going to repost it in it’s entirety, although it’s a great read on how to set all the knobs on any version of the Teese pedals.

    I do however want to post the baseline settings that were previously posted – because having these as a baseline is really helping me tune my Wah to the way I like it. I’m still tuning it (as Teese himself wants) but if I’m already closer to my goal using a baseline, then taking that shortcut is AOK with me. Some of these settings I can definitively say that I DON’T like, so I’m ahead of the game.  I was going to make a nice graphic for this, but I didn’t.

    As always, Your Mileage May Vary and Objects may be Closer than They Appear.

  • “The jaws of power are always open to devour, and her arm is always stretched out, if possible, to destroy the freedom of thinking, speaking, and writing” John Adams


    My TMJ is kicking up a storm.

    I was clenching my teeth while figuring out a solo. In fact, the solo that had quite a hand in beginning my interest in guitar.

    Among the many guitar players that I’ve spoken to, the scene in Back to the Future was one that inspired many guitar players. I’m sure Chuck Berry is pissed. Granted, Chuck’s been shit on pretty much since the 50’s, so his bitterness is well earned.

    Finally, thanks to the magic of YouTube, here’s the infamous Chuck Berry vs Keith Richards:

    I really wanted to go to VLV 2010 to see Chuck, but I can’t swing it. He’s truly a rock and roll legend.

    Here’s some (more) random recent pics of my office…..er….music room.

  • “There is a very real brain component to addiction, and society up to now has for the most part has viewed it as failure of will.” Richard Pops

    We have entered the culture of lowered expectations – please raise your tray tables and fasten your seat belts, this will be a bumpy ride…..

    I managed to get a “B” on my Texas Politics test. I was a little disappointed that it was an “on the edge” B – it was an 80. Although, for the time I put in, I deserved exactly what I got. So, I went to class today and the professor was astonished that our class did so poorly. The class average was 53. FIFTY-THREE. This is a class where we were allowed to use an index card (both sides) with notes for the test!

    As it turns out, there were two A’s, two B’s, about 6 C’s, 12 D’s, and the rest were F’s. Freaking amazing. I too was astonished. Just think if I had put some time in on it!

    Piano class, I managed to underwhelm myself when I volunteered (too early) for something that I wasn’t really ready for. I thought I was going to get away with not-really-practicing-at-home, but I’m not going to be comfortable doing that. Many of the playing elements are solid, but other parts are not.

    For golf class, we went to Mansfield National and hit some balls at the driving range. Now that was fun. Although, I didn’t realize that I was supposed to use my almost-full-stroke yet, so when the coach was saying, “Bring it back more” I’m like, “Huh?”. So I think I’ll be heading to Top Golf this weekend with Rod and hit some balls. Stretch out my aching triceps anyway. Monday was a snowy/wet day so we hit the cardio room. I also hit the weight room and REALLY pushed myself. Ouch.

    A student got smart with the RnR History/Appreciation class professor. I couldn’t believe it. He looked like he loved Nickelback and was like, “Duuuude! Why are you talkin’ smack to me?” to the professor. A hush fell over the class.

    Stupid kids.

    In other news, when in a funk I managed to mangle one of my rims, and I’m in the process of buying another one. Also, got some windshield wiper blades which are Honda year/model specific which is crazy. At least they were easy to install.

    The amp showed up – somehow I thought it would be bigger. LOL.

  • “I usually take a two hour nap from one to four” Yogi Berra

    I took a nap a little earlier and I’m feeling better after this weekend. Friday and Saturday night some friends and I went to a burlesque festival – it was a lot of fun. We ate sushi at some place I’ve never gone on Friday. At the show, drinks were plentiful and made merry – and looked at the pretty girls.

    BTW – I totally stole these from my friends since I didn’t take my camera. There were approximately 50 performers total over the two nights, so this obviously is just a sample.

    “There’s plenty more fish in the sea” is a very quick, glib way of explaining the truth. And the truth is………………

    ……there are plenty of women in the world that will “get” you. You just have to seek them out.

    I’m working on a project again after realizing that life is short. I’ll update as the project gets harder (which it is already hard, but for some reason I chose superbowl sunday to start again)

    My piano class is fun – I keep getting included on the really hard stuff. Two tests coming up this week – RnR History and Texas Politics. I’m really not taking this semester seriously (unfortunately) but I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’ve been practicing guitar like a mofo and I’m happy to report that I’m very pleased with my progress. Woodshedding (when done right) works.

    On the way: