• Tag Archives sickness
  • “One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your three closes friends; if they seem OK, then you’re the one.” Ann Landers

    I hope everyone out in internetland had a good 4th!

    My day was primarily spent at my brother’s house with his family and my adorable nephews.  My ankle was really hurting today – in no small part due to a stupid decision to wear my thick soled creepers to Friday night’s burlesque show.  So while I didn’t get to run around with my most mobile nephew, he’s now at that really awesome age where he can express himself really well and we had a lot of great conversations. Since I’m “the uncle that throws him around” I did some kid-tossing and he seemed satisfied.

    Felt like crap most of the day – not sure exactly why.  It may be mostly mental – my brother had a slideshow set up on his TV that cycles through about 12,000 of his photos that he and his wife have taken over the years. Many of them included my father – which of course is a stark reminder that this weekend I’m travelling to spread his ashes. That, coupled with my daughter being out of town with her grandparents on my ex-wife’s side left me in an odd place.

    I’m about to the point where I’m not getting anything done, and frustration sets in if I do anything to force it – so I’m really attempting to just let it all slide.

  • “For still, the more he works, the more do his weak ankles swell” ~ William Wordsworth

    I guess since I asked for trouble, I found it.
    After waking up extremely late today, I managed to sprain my ankle rather severely this afternoon. After a trip to the hospital and the RX, I’m pretty doped up on pain meds.
    I’m recuperating overnight at the ex-inlaws – but it looks like I’ll be off my feet for a while.

    I’ve never broken any bones, and the last sprain I got was when I was 12 or 13.

    This sure is some interesting pain. Wish I had my camera.


  • “Walking on a rubber foot is like walking in sand. It compresses under the weight of the body. You get more tired when you’re walking in sand.” Tony Saia

    Yes, yes, yes. I’ve fallen off my internet abstinence program. I have my reasons.

    Having a sick child monopolize the TV does that to me. LOL

    The burlesque festival is this weekend. I’m looking forward to it.

  • “I’m so ugly – My mother had morning sickness – After I was born” Rodney Dangerfield

    I would say it’s been a pretty eventful week.

    Saw the Dex Romweber Duo on Thursday at the House of Blues. Exene Cervenka opened. I wanted to see Dex Romweber live so Terry and I booked it over there and saw a rather intimate show in the Cambridge room. It was a cool show – I enjoyed it. Approached the weekend having hit some golf balls and plenty of homework assigned. My piano teacher is now including me in his Piano II class – which is fine. Guitar has taught me enough eye/hand co-ordination that I can pretty much keep up. I’ll only get credit for Piano I, but at least I won’t be playing beginner stuff. Also applied for my associates degree – I graduate this semester.

    Friday saw the Young One get ill – (pharyngitis again AND an upper respiratory infection). Her trip to H-town was put on hold and she’s attempting to burn out the sickness in my bedroom. Been alternately writing papers and taking care of her (and slacking – of course).

    Somehow this week I believe I managed to fracture my big toe (doing jumping jacks barefoot – silly boy). I’ve got it taped up and it feels okay now. Thanks for asking.

    Set my PS3 to run Folding@home so that I’ve got another PC running it. Again, if you ever have had someone you love get cancer, this program uses your computer to compute protein molecules and how they react – researching cures for cancer. Power of collaborative computing. Go team 169588!

  • “We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh.” Friedrich Nietzsche

    I’m fairly sure, at some point last night that these words came out of my mouth:

    “So…. can you shit lottery tickets?”

    It’s been a pretty interesting weekend. Last week was the first week of the new semester – which is shaping up to be pretty cool.

    Unfortunately, I did make it over to UTA on Friday and discovered that I am much, MUCH further behind than I thought I was in terms of the degree I’m after (or was after).

    I’m kind of at a crossroads – so the weekend pretty much mirrored the confusion and chaos that I’m in right now. I’m glad that I used this time to finish up my Associates Degree – but I’m not quite sure where to go from here. Plus, the one year anniversary of my father’s passing is right around the corner – and I finally got around to sending “Thank You” cards to all his friends for the nice cards and letters that I received. It’s nice to get that off my mind – that pile of letters kept nagging at me.

    I got my brake pads replaced, and played pool over at Rusty’s Billiards for about four hours (!) while they worked on my car. Got completely schooled by a guy I met there who had such excellent ball control that it put me to shame. It didn’t help that I’m not regularly playing anymore, playing for long periods of time is completely exhausting now – and I forgot to bring my cue.

    Went out last night and stayed out until 5am – which actually was a lot of fun. I got to meet some new people, try some new things, and managed to go through half a bottle of vodka in the process.

    Needless to say, I took a few naps today.

  • “Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death” Dead Kennedys

    I’ve got a new nephew.

    Yes, it is a surprise, but only because they waited until the birth to find out what sex the baby was (which apparently is pretty rare these days). The instant-gratification society we live in can’t wait nine months for anything. LOL. Apparently all the nurses were shocked. Spent some time with the family this morning (first in – which is pretty unusual) and got to get some alone time with my first nephew. He’s now the “older brother” and I guess he and I can relate.

    Not much else to report – I guess I still got a lot done. I think my daughter has bronchitis, so I’m taking her to the doctor tomorrow. Took some airborne and took a three hour nap to combat these feelings of fatigue I have. *crossing fingers*

    Time to work out, then maybe do some reading. I have a lot of unread books right now.

    *did forget to mention*

    I have a really cool trip booked for September, but right now linkage to the site where I’m going is worthless, so I’ll wait to update with more detail.

  • “When a finger points to the moon, the imbecile looks at the finger” Chinese Proverb

    Today has been a really “off” day. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m getting a cold, or if the moon cycle is hitting a little early.

    I didn’t believe in the “moon cycle” until my boss pointed it out to me. About two days before and after every full moon, everything at work would go haywire. Completely off the wall stuff. Things would happen that you just couldn’t believe. (Not supernatural stuff, but stuff that happens once every ten years would just pick one of those days to happen). The next full moon is December second – so it’s a little early yet.

    My day started when I woke up getting everything ready for my guitar lesson. My student canceled. No problem, got a few things done. My brother called and wanted to meet. My daughter and I got ready and we left the house to meet at Bonedaddy’s.

    That’s when it hit me. That “Don’t Leave the House” feeling. It’s that feeling that tells me, “Be careful, something tremendously bad can happen today”. I resisted every urge to cancel everything and stay home. Met up with brother, daughter met a few friends I have there, and I drank three beers and had lunch.

    Afterward, we went to Bed Bath and Beyond, and got a lava lamp for girlie’s room and a sound machine too. Came home and passed out for three hours. Had to pick up milk for tomorrow and I got that same “Don’t Leave the House” feeling. Was extra, extra careful getting home and I’ve locked the door and set the alarm.

    Not sure what’s going on – if it’s an impending cold, it would make sense. The moon, less sense, but still possible. It’s a very nagging feeling that something is not quite right…..I just haven’t figured out what it is yet.

  • “It is dainty to be sick, if you have leisure and convenience for it” Ralph Waldo Emerson


    Just to prove that I have something else to write about besides coffee, guitars and school, I think I have caught a cold of some sort.

    It’s the groggy, don’t feel like getting up kind.

    Haven’t gotten much done except sleep – and I’ve got some tests coming up this week.
